Thermoelectrically Cooled MPPC for Photon Counting Applications
Hamamatsu Photonics has expanded its range of semiconductor detectors featuring photon detection capability with the introduction of the brand new S11028 series multi-pixel photon counter (MPPC). The new device utilizes a Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode structure for ultra-low-level light detection, and a two-stage thermoelectric cooler, which operates down to -20oC and reduces dark count to 1/20 of that at room temperature. The MPPC is easily connected to an external circuit for simple operation and is operated from a low voltage power supply (typically 70 Volts).
The The S11028 series is ideal for a variety of applications, including positron emission tomography, high-energy physics, DNA sequencing, fluorescence measurement, nuclear medicine, point of care systems, drug discovery, medical diagnostic equipment and environmental analysis. Hamamatsu also offers a temperature controller which maintains the temperature inside the thermoelectrically cooled package at a constant level.