IoT Newsletter Roundup
30th May 2024
GTC celebrates 45,000 device sales
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Globalstar Europe Satellite Services, a subsidiary of Globalstar, recently announced that UK-based wireless and satellite technology reseller, Global Telesat Communications (GTC), has surpassed the milestone of selling 45,000 Globalstar devices. GTC is a subsidiary of NextPlat. GTC is one of Europe’s resellers of Globalstar’s SPOT satellite-enabled GPS messengers, supplying the SPOT Gen4, SPOT X Bluetooth,…
Industry Insights
30th May 2024
8 ways to fix employee bad habits and boost security
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The most significant threat to the security and integrity of networked systems and data does not stem from external hackers or cyberattacks. Instead, the primary vulnerability lies within your organisation itself, specifically from employees prone to making poor decisions when interacting online. While hackers undoubtedly pose a significant risk that demands protection, it is equally…
30th May 2024
Qualcomm and Aramco collaborate on digital technologies
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Qualcomm Technologies and Aramco, a global integrated energy and chemicals company, have joined forces to advance connectivity, AI, and advanced computing technologies for industrial applications in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This collaboration includes accelerating the development of the industrial 4G/5G and non-terrestrial networks (NTN) ecosystem, encompassing 450MHz cellular technology. They also plan to design…
Industry Insights
30th May 2024
Safely and efficiently integrating AMRs into Industry 4.0
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In response to the surging use of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), also called industrial mobile robots, in Industry 4.0 operations, the Association for Advancing Automation (A3), together with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), recently released the second increment of its safety standard for AMRs: ANSI/A3 R15.08-2, which details the requirements for integrating, configuring, and…
30th May 2024
Adopt robotics or fall behind, industry conference warns
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Industries and businesses that do not adopt the safe use of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) to improve their operations may risk the same fate as those that ignored significant technological advancements such as the Industrial Revolution or the internet, according to the latest insights from an industry conference. The conference in question, “Harnessing Robotics…
30th May 2024
Infineon launches bridge tag to simplify user experience
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The proliferation of IoT devices is accelerating, making them integral to every industry. However, the increasing number of smart devices demands a simpler user experience for device configuration and pairing. To address this, Infineon Technologies has introduced the OPTIGA Authenticate NBT, a high-performance NFC I2C bridge tag designed for single-tap authentication and secure configuration of…
30th May 2024
Plintron secures patent
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Digital communications company Plintron has secured a patent which it anticipates will transform the landscape of mobile communication for international roaming subscribers. This patented innovation, “Method for Providing Mobile Communication for Roaming Subscribers Using Cloud Switch,” aims to significantly reduce roaming costs through its pioneering technology. Subhashree Radhakrishnan, Co-Founder & Vice Chairman, Plintron said: “This…
30th May 2024
Project will use Digital Twins to monitor green spaces
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The rise in global temperatures has led to warmer cities, and in Germany, this has resulted in the loss of natural sites and made the upkeep of green spaces more challenging. Urban trees, in particular, often suffer from improper watering—either too late, too much, or not enough—causing them to die prematurely. A new Internet of…
30th May 2024
Signal Boosters and SureCall partner to boost communications
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Signal Boosters is pleased to announce an enhanced partnership with SureCall as a retailer and certified installer for their new SpeedLink 5G C-band enterprise signal booster. SpeedLink is the only C-band signal booster approved by Verizon for use on its 5G Ultra Wideband (UWB) network and is FCC-certified for immediate deployment. The SureCall SpeedLink addresses…
30th May 2024
Rohde & Schwarz achieves TPAC for NB-IoT
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Non-terrestrial networks (NTN) are wireless communication systems that operate above the Earth’s surface. They play a crucial role in achieving ubiquitous connectivity, providing coverage even to remote areas lacking traditional terrestrial networks. Rohde & Schwarz continued its success in verifying NTN narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) test cases at the recent Conformance Agreement Group (CAG), meeting all…
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