Women in Tech

Women empowering women in tech at Tektronix

26th June 2024
Sheryl Miles

In an industry still dominated by male figures, Selu Gupta, Hardware Engineering Manager at Tektronix, and Maria Heriz, VP, Portfolio Solutions & Marketing at Tektronix, each stand out as leaders in their fields, representing the drive for greater inclusivity and role models for women in technology.

Through their dedication and leadership, they have not only advanced in their careers but also enabled environments that support and uplift other women in tech. Here, Electronic Specifier’s Sheryl Miles takes a look into their journeys, their efforts to create a more inclusive tech culture, and the impact of their initiatives.

Selu Gupta: championing Women in Technology at Tektronix

A 24-year journey

Gupta's journey at Tektronix began 24 years ago as an intern while she was completing her master’s degree in electrical engineering.

Maria Heriz: leading with inclusivity and innovation

A diverse career path

Heriz, currently the VP, Portfolio Solutions & Marketing at Tektronix, has a rich background in technical sales and engineering. With a degree in telecommunications, Heriz’s career spans over two decades in the high-tech industry, including significant stints at Texas Instruments and NXP Semiconductors.

When talking about their roles at Tektronix, Gupta recalls: “It was just my dream job to come to Tektronix because of the technologies they’ve developed and the instrumentation they’re known for.”

Over the years, Gupta has worked across three different business units, developing close to 10 products which are still generating revenue for the company. Her career has spanned roles from programme management to leading global component engineering teams.

Heriz reflects: “My journey has been super exciting because you are always on a continuous learning path in this industry.” Her roles have ranged from Technical Sales Engineer to managing diverse teams across Europe and the US, shaping her leadership style to be customer-focused, urgent, and innovative.

Creating a welcoming environment for women

The turning point in Gupta's career came when she faced challenges as a new mother in a predominantly male-dominated engineering team. Alongside her female colleagues, she recognised a significant need for support and connection among women in the company. This realisation led to the creation of the Women in Technology (WiT) group at Tektronix in 2016.

“We felt supported from each other and realised we’re not the only ones facing these challenges,” Gupta explains. The group started with informal meetings which quickly grew into a robust support network. Today, the Tektronix WiT group boasts 300 members globally, providing a platform for professional development, mentorship, and networking.

Heriz's leadership is deeply influenced by her commitment to gender equality and inclusivity.

“Leadership teams need to exemplify the values of the company with authenticity,” she asserts. At Tektronix, values like continuous improvement, transparency, and diversity are paramount and Heriz embodies these values by inspiring her team through authentic engagement and a relentless focus on customer needs.

She acknowledges the significant strides made in the tech industry over the past two decades but highlights the ongoing challenge of ingrained biases.

“Personal biases are probably one of the biggest barriers that exist today.”

Addressing these biases requires courage and continuous effort to create a truly inclusive culture.

Overcoming challenges and gaining support

Despite initial resistance to the group forming, particularly from male colleagues who didn’t understand the need for a Women in Technology group, Gupta persevered, and through continuous dialogue and involvement, the group managed to shift perceptions.

“One of the engineers on my team, who initially made dismissive comments, is now one of the biggest supporters.”

The Tektronix WiT group includes men, which is a strategic move by Gupta. “We thought, if we’re really trying to champion women in these technical fields and support them, and promote them, we need men in the picture … So, a year into our activities, we made an intentional effort to bring men into our events.”

This inclusive approach has been instrumental in changing mindsets and fostering a more supportive environment for women.

The role of policies and sponsorship

Heriz emphasises the critical role of policies that support work-life balance and career advancement for women. “Policies are essential to keep women in the workplace,” she states. She advocates for policies that provide equal support for men, enabling a more balanced distribution of caregiving responsibilities and promoting gender equality.

Reflecting on her own career, Heriz highlights the importance of sponsorship: “Find yourself sponsors who can develop you, challenge you, and support your growth.” This support has been instrumental in her rise to leadership, and she stresses the importance of paying it forward by mentoring and sponsoring other women.

Impact and future vision

Gupta's efforts have had a tangible impact on Tektronix. The intentional focus on diverse hiring practices and the emphasis on creating a supportive culture have led to increased representation of women in technical roles and leadership positions.

“We now have a better representation of women and diversity across the board,” Gupta affirms. And her advice to other companies who are thinking of ways to increase their representation is clear: “Allow grassroots efforts to grow organically and give them the autonomy to shape their initiatives. The benefits may not be immediate, but the long-term impact is significant.”

Encouraging future generations

Heriz is passionate about inspiring the next generation of women in tech. She actively participates in school visits and educational initiatives to promote STEM careers among young girls. “Creating examples that girls can identify with is crucial,” she asserts. By showcasing successful women in technology, Heriz hopes to break down stereotypes and encourage more girls to pursue careers in the field.

Her vision for the future includes more girls entering STEM studies and a continuous effort to support and sponsor women in the industry. “We need to ensure that talented women are given the opportunities to advance.”

This commitment to diversity and inclusion is not just about meeting quotas but about harnessing the full potential of diverse teams to drive innovation and success.

Selu Gupta and Maria Heriz exemplify the power of determination, inclusivity, and leadership in the tech industry. Through their efforts at Tektronix, they have created supportive environments that not only empower women but also enhance the overall company culture. Their journeys highlight the importance of grassroots initiatives, authentic leadership, and supportive policies in driving meaningful change. As they continue to inspire and support the next generation of women in tech, their impact will undoubtedly resonate for years to come.

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