Women in Tech

The 'sheconomy': implications for the electronics industry

27th October 2023
Paige West

Women's economic involvement and buying influence attained notable levels in 2023, a transformation now referred to as the ‘sheconomy’.

Figures indicate that women bolstered the world's predominant economy by 0.5%. Concurrently, cultural markers such as the Barbie film, the Beyoncé and Taylor Swift tours, and the prominence of women's sports also indicated a significant shift.

The ‘sheconomy’ underscores the growing economic influence of women, not only as consumers but also as pivotal players in the workforce.

But what does this mean for the electronics industry, and how can it adapt to this shifting landscape?

Understanding the 'sheconomy'

At its core, the 'sheconomy' highlights the burgeoning purchasing power of women. Research indicates that women are responsible for a significant proportion of consumer spending, making decisions that span a wide range of products and services. This extends beyond traditional female-centric markets; it encompasses sectors like electronics, where product choices are increasingly being influenced by female consumers.

Moreover, the 'sheconomy' isn't just about spending. It acknowledges the rising tide of female entrepreneurs, professionals, and leaders across various sectors. Women are breaking barriers, spearheading innovations, and driving growth, even in industries that have historically been male-dominated.

Implications for the electronics sector

Product design and functionality: the electronics industry must recognise that women seek products that cater to their specific needs and preferences. This doesn't mean stereotyping or limiting products to certain colours or designs. Instead, it entails understanding the ergonomic, functional, and aesthetic preferences of female consumers.

Marketing and branding: traditional marketing strategies may not resonate with the modern female consumer. It's crucial for electronics companies to craft messages that speak to women's aspirations, needs, and roles in society.

Representation matters: from advertising campaigns to corporate boardrooms, representation plays a pivotal role. The electronics industry must ensure that women are represented at all levels, from product development to leadership roles. This not only fosters diversity but also ensures that products and services are attuned to the needs of half the world's population.

Educational initiatives: to harness the full potential of the 'sheconomy', the electronics sector must invest in educational initiatives aimed at women. By encouraging more women to pursue careers in electronics and engineering, the industry can benefit from diverse perspectives and innovative solutions.


The 'sheconomy' presents both challenges and opportunities for the electronics industry. By recognising the economic power of women and adapting to their needs and preferences, electronics companies can position themselves for sustained success. As the landscape of consumer behaviour continues to evolve, it's imperative for the industry to remain agile and responsive to these shifts.

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