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Over-sampling ADC with configurable digital filter

17th May 2017
Lanna Deamer

The LTC2500-32 is a new and enabling approach to high-bandwidth, precision applications such as automated test equipment, control loops, seismology, and precision data acquisition. Analogue performance of the SAR core is second to none - linearity is guaranteed 2ppm maximum.

Offset drift is seven parts per billion per degree C, gain drift is 50 parts per billion, and the signal-to- noise ratio is 104dB at 1Msps. Such applications have traditionally used sigma delta ADCs, but the LTC2500 is much more versatile. Unlike a sigma delta ADC, the choice of digital filter is arbitrary, and the LTC2500-32 provides 78 filter options to suite a variety of applications.

The filtered output achieves up to 148dB of dynamic range at 61sps. The LTC2500 also provides both no-latency data and filtered data simultaneously, matched perfectly in both time and analog accuracy.

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