Displaying 211 - 213 of 213
13th May 2022
Neon redesigned: helping primary school teachers bring STEM to life
Neon, a platform to bring the UK’s quality engineering outreach opportunities and inspiring careers resources in one place, has had a redesign to help teachers find the right experiences for their classrooms, specific to their education level.
1st April 2022
ECS project manager supports young people as STEM Ambassador
Companies involved in engineering and technology have a responsibility to help develop the next generation of scientists, mathematicians and engineers, offering them an insight into career possibilities.
Women in Tech
11th March 2022
Celebrating the most inspirational women in STEM
The winners of the 12th annual FDM everywoman in Technology Awards have been announced. The awards celebrate the industry’s most exceptional talent from the UK and beyond, and this year’s theme was People Purpose Planet.