
Series 7 Episode 9 – Making the most of manufacturing

20th May 2022
Sam Holland

For this episode Electronic Specifier Insights, ES talked to Charlotte Horobin, MakeUK’s Regional Director at Midlands and East of England about MakeUK’s efforts to engage with the manufacturing field and bring out the most in the industry.

As Charlotte explains, her role as MakeUK’s regional director is essentially two-fold: her position sees her both engaging with the industry (“engaging with our manufacturers and our membership”) and making sure that the voices within that industry are heard – the “ambassadorial part of the day-to-day role", as Charlotte puts it.

Industry engagement and ambassadorial efforts are indeed key to MakeUK, which aims to make the most of manufacturing with various campaigns and initiatives. To quote from its website, the organisation “creates the most supportive environment for UK manufacturing growth and success, and represents the issues that are most important to [its] members”.

But naturally, there are pitfalls that arise even in spite of the efforts that MakeUK offers to the field of manufacturing. Charlotte also answers questions such as those regarding the experience of female underrepresentation in the industry and the engineering skills gap, alongside her efforts to counteract such challenges.

"We're asking our manufacturers to open their doors to showcase their products, their processes, and [show] what the career opportunities are for school children, colleges, students at university – right the way through to the local community. And so this should be a great opportunity for schools, colleges, universities, and the local people to go and find out what's made in their local area. And the brilliant, productive and best paid jobs that exist in the UK are in UK manufacturing."

For more information on MakeUK, the manufacturing industry, and Charlotte Horobin’s work within the field, click here to listen to the podcast on Spotify, or click here to listen on Apple Podcasts.


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