
Vincotech donates €12,000 to youth project in Bolivia

17th December 2020
Alex Lynn

Vincotech has pledged to continue its holiday tradition of donating to a good cause in lieu of sending Christmas gifts to customers. The company’s partner in philanthropy is again Plan International Germany. This aid organisation will receive a €12,000 grant, provided in the name of the company and its customers, to fund vocational training for disadvantaged young Bolivians.

The youth unemployment rate in Bolivia is high with 30% of 20-to-24-year-olds lacking any sort of gainful employment. Some work on family farms, but inequality is an issue. Young women are likely to have fewer educational and job opportunities, which are particularly scarce in rural regions. And the few jobs available are often exploitative, paying less than minimum wage and subjecting workers to harsh conditions. Many of the young seek work abroad, leaving their families behind.

This project affords this younger generation, and women especially, the opportunity to acquire marketable job skills and set up businesses of their own. An education in agriculture, tourism or catering is the first step towards a steady income that will enable youngsters to support their families and contribute to their communities.

“Fund-raising is hard for charities when times are tough,” said Vincotech CEO Eckart Seitter. “We don’t want to be a fair-weather friend to a partner we’ve worked with for nearly ten years. This is why Vincotech is very happy to be supporting Plan International Germany’s initiative to help these young people to a brighter future. What a wonderful project.”

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