
Call for engineering teams responding to societal challenges to enter awards

12th September 2022
Sheryl Miles

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has launched a set of awards to celebrate teams responsible for providing solutions to societal challenges through engineering, science, technology and maths.

The Impact in Society Awards aims to celebrate teams of people from around the world who are doing critical work that responds to the challenges that society face.

They are split into three categories:

  1. Sustainability and climate change. Is your team working to help secure a zero-carbon future?
  2. Digital futures. Are you working in collaboration with colleagues to develop digital products, promoting professional ethics and trust?
  3. Healthy lives. Are you working in a team, providing solutions for assisted living, or innovating with robotics in healthcare?

We’re looking for teams of engineers of all types and sizes, including multi and cross-discipline to enter.

They can be based anywhere in the world and be from any part of industry.

They can be formed of any number of individuals and can include junior team members e.g., apprentices and early career technicians.

Sir Julian Young, IET President said: “At the IET we know first-hand that engineers continue to solve many of the challenges facing communities across the globe – making an ongoing difference to the world around us.

These Awards have been launched to celebrate the teams of ‘unsung heroes’ doing just that, as well as truly celebrating the art of collaboration in engineering workplaces.

We also want to improve the public’s understanding of the importance of engineering to society by highlighting exceptional teams solving the world’s problems, which in turn will help inspire the next generation of engineers and technicians.”

The winning team will be presented with a trophy at the Impact in Society Awards ceremony in Spring 2023, where finalists will have the opportunity to network with other inspirational engineers, along with the Chief Executive and President of the IET.

Applications close on 9 December 2022.

To find out more and to apply, please visit:

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