Events News

Transforming land power to deliver a competitive advantage

8th August 2019
Lanna Deamer

The DSEI 2019 Land Capability Conference will take place on 9th September at ExCeL, London. This conference will outline and explore how land power can adapt to respond to the myriad of threats facing a modern Army. It will also discuss the trends in threats at a strategic level, before exploring what capabilities are required for the British Army to best operate with its partners, allies, and industry.

It will conclude by setting out a vision for bi-lateral engagement with industry over the coming decade, with the British Army and industry working in coalition during the acquisition process, through to the lifetime of programmes and beyond.

Speakers will focus on identifying and accelerating the development of new capabilities, with topics including: 'The Future of NATO Armaments and Capabilities' and 'Unlocking the Army’s Ambition with Industry'. There will also be a focus on the 'grey zone' of neither war nor peace, considering how land forces demonstrate greater utility in non-war fighting activity while simultaneously maintaining their edge in war fighting at scale.

Delegates will hear discussion around the potential of artificial intelligence, data analytics and machine learning and the use of autonomous robotic systems. Speakers will also examine how these contemporary technologies can be incorporated into the British Army’s approach without losing sight of their key role as practitioners of dismounted close combat.

Confirmed speakers include Lt Gen Eric Wesley (Deputy Commanding General, Futures Command, U.S. Army), Col Joachim Isacsson (Assistant Head of Futures, Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre, UK MOD), and from industry Andrew Cowdery (Industry Co-Chair, Defence Growth Partnership).

General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith, Chief of the General Staff said: “The British Army exists to protect the people of Britain, prevent conflict, and to be ready to fight Britain’s enemies. We must therefore be both prepared for the present and fit for the future in a world where change is the status quo. The broadening spectrum and complexity of tasks that confront today’s armies demand clear-sighted strategies in response.

"Armies must plot a course that enables them to be comfortable operating both above and below the threshold of peer conflict, leveraging all possible sources of strength in pursuit of advantage, while continuously adapting. Our Army must be able to provide the tools to help our nation contest effectively in the ‘constant competition’ of international strategy.

In response to this challenge, the British Army has recognised the need for a close collaboration with Industry that fosters an exchange of ideas and innovation… DSEI provides us with the opportunity to share ideas, stimulate innovation and develop the relationships which are so important to our success.”

The conference is sponsored by Thales. Victor Chavez, CEO of Thales in the UK said: "With a digital revolution underway in all the markets that Thales serves, Thales is investing heavily in the underlying technologies of connectivity, Big Data, artificial intelligence, cyber security, intelligent sensors, effectors and open system architectures to help our customers protect their citizens and make the world safer. Incorporating these technologies will allow our land forces to develop their concepts of operations and meet the challenges of emerging threats.

"With this in mind, we are delighted to sponsor the Land Capability Conference at DSEI in partnership with the British Army. The Land Capability Conference is a platform for those across industry to debate, discuss and collaborate on harnessing the power and opportunities of a digital future, in order to enable our Armed Forces and stay one step ahead in a rapidly changing world.”

The DSEI Land Capability Conference will begin at 09:50 and close at 17:00 on 9th September 2019, and will be followed by a networking drinks reception also open to delegates of the Aerospace Capability Conference and Maritime Capability Conference.

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