Rittal Exhibiting at DatacenterDynamics 2017
DatacenterDynamics Converged Europe Conference and Expo, at London’s old Billingsgate, will bring together the world’s keenest minds to share their expertise with an international audience of senior ICT and datacentre professionals. Rittal will be there, highlighting a range of solutions that address the needs of companies who design, install and operate data centres, whatever their size or scale.
These solutions are designed to provide users with efficient, flexible and scalable responses to meet the challenges, not just of today, but also those they may face further down the line.
Visitors can find out how to build-in energy efficiency, the value of modularity, and how to future-proof projects, whether this involves installing a few racks or several hundred servers.
Clive Partridge from Rittal says: “Rittal – The System is a concept that offers customers a co-ordinated approach to supporting development projects.
Starting with close inspection and analysis of a customer’s requirements – which may extend to planning the entire data centre – we can then offer solutions based on precise-fit, efficient, IT-infrastructure components. These range from robust racks for server and network technology, to efficient power supply and protection, and energy-saving, climate control units.”
Rittal’s senior team will also be speaking at this year’s conference, using real-life examples to explore how working at the edges of technology can be the catalyst for invention.
Visitors will be shown how, for example, in one high-density computing project Rittal’s engineers challenged theoretical design limits, physically stressed products to the limit, and ensured resilience and security was at the forefront of all the design decisions.
While not everyone will use high-density computing, the lessons learned in developing such systems will benefit any data centre director/manager, helping to reduce operating costs without compromising performance.
Rittal will be exhibiting and speaking at DatacenterDynamics Converged Europe Conference and Expo, 7-8 November 2017, at Old Billingsgate London’s on Stand 20 and Stand 7 in the OCP area.