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iC-Haus readies robust MCU communication solution for embedded world 2023

14th February 2023
Mick Elliott

At embedded world 2023 in Nuremberg (March 14-16), iC-Haus will present its single-cable technology BiSS Line and the new bridge module iC-BL as a high-performance solution for microcontroller links, needing only two wires and correcting transmission errors.

Due to their flexibility and performance, microcontrollers are popular in control, sensor and actuator systems. More and more applications require a reliable exchange of information between controllers over several meters.

With increasing cable lengths, the required characteristics of the cable significantly contribute to the overall cost of the system.

With its SPI interface and integrated RS-485 transceiver, the iC-BL bridge module enables reliable data transmissions between two microcontrollers in challenging environments with interfering fields (e.g. in construction machinery).

Both supply and data are transmitted in both directions via just two twisted wires. The data exchange is protected by forward error correction (FEC). Even data streams where up to four consecutive bytes are corrupted by a burst error can be recovered.

For applications without interfering fields, the error correction reduces the requirements on the transmission medium (e.g. shielding) and costs.

Thelow-weightBiSSLineprotocolandtheiC-BLbridgemodule,whichcanbeusedasBiSSLine MasterandBiSSLineSlaveonbothsidesofthetransmissionline,offerawiderangeofoptions for implementing high-performance microcontrollersystems.

A specific setup for robust bidirectional data transmission between two microcontrollers will be presented by iC-Haus’ application engineers at embedded world.

Also on show will be applications with further components, such as the 10-bit ultra-low power magnetic absolute rotary encoder sensor iC-TW11 and the universal digital sensor output driver iC-DX for applications up to 30 V.

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