Europe wide seminars focus on IoT security
A series of ‘Secure Wireless Sensor Node’ seminars across Europe in May and June is being organised by Future Electronics in conjunction with World IoT day. With the explosion in IoT edge nodes, from feeding information about the health of a patient to the health of a pot plant; the data collected and analysed can reveal valuable insights that allow for more pro-active and streamlined decisions and activities.
All of which ultimately benefits both the individuals and business alike. However, what is often overlooked is the increasing value the manipulation of this data may have to enhancing criminal activity.
Ensuring a design that is robust and secure from external threats and vulnerabilities is vital to the integrity of a solution as a whole. The ‘Secure Wireless Sensor Node’ seminars are tailored to benefit anyone working on IoT designs and offer unique insight from some of the Industry’s leading experts. The course encompasses solutions and technology trends from security, to wireless connectivity, to sensors and node power. Every engineer attending a seminar will receive an AT88CK590 evaluation kit from Atmel, and the first 10 approved customers that register and attend in each location will win an OM5569/NT321D board from NXP. As well as providing hands-on tuition with industry experts, engineers will learn about protecting edge nodes against post deployment hacking & exploitation, navigating short range wireless technology choices, increasing RF range whilst minimising power consumption and antenna design for ultra-compact form-factors. The seminar will also cover choosing the best sensor for a node and give delegates tips on maximising the battery life of an edge node.
To register to attend a seminar, design engineers should go to, or contact their local branch of Future Electronics.