A 2016 IoT Snapshot
It is safe to safe that 2016 was a year of ups and downs, however last year in terms of IoT was very exciting for Wind River. The company introduced the latest version of Wind River Helix Device Cloud, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) IoT platform that enables manufacturers to proactively monitor and manage their devices in the field.
Guest blog by Dave Bennett.
It also had excellent momentum last year on the customer adoption/usage front that is carrying over in 2017.
That wasn’t all that caught many attentions during 2016…
The recent DDOS attacks brought home the reality that any device on a network must be secured and protected. Companies considering a cloud solution for their devices must make the security of these devices a top priority.
The IoT solution landscape is becoming clearer. Microsoft, AWS, GE are focused on Platforms-as-a-Service (PaaS) for big data and analytics. Device Cloud focuses on remote device management so the devices (‘things’) generating the data stay protected and operational.
Established companies dramatically increased their investment in IoT. The parent company Intel for example, the world’s largest chip maker, is focusing much more of its efforts on IoT, and Wind River is a cornerstone of that effort.
The consumer market is still looking for the killer app, for example, it’s still easier to get up and turn off a light switch rather than navigate an app to do it. But the Industrial IoT (IIoT) market, which comprises many of our critical infrastructure customers, has seen many successes with use cases such as pay per use, consumable replenishment, and proactive service. These companies are embracing IIoT applications and are well-positioned to shake up business models and adapt their business for the opportunities IIoT presents.
It is an exciting time to see what 2017 has to bring, and sharing some insights and predictions of what’s on the horizon at the IoT North America conference in March.
Courtesy of Wind River.