Exploring the biggest challenges for 5G deployment
5G promises exciting advances for Communications Service Providers (CSPs), but the 5G rollout is going to be challenging. CSPs must rapidly build out dense, low latency edge networks in ways that are affordable, secure, and easily maintainable. Guest blog written by Paul Miller.
Key technologies defining smarter factories: sensors
In this next instalment of our blog series on the future of industrial automation, smarter factories will be looking at the role of sensor technology. The ongoing digitisation of industrial processes will increasingly rely on the use of a wide range of different sensor devices, incorporated into equipment throughout production lines and also the supply channels that feed them. By Mark Patrick, Mouser Electronics
Driving piezoelectric transducer buzzers
Forming part of the user interface apparatus, piezoelectric transducer buzzers can provide an important function in a broad array of electronic equipment. Through incorporation of one of these electromechanical components, an audible signal can be passed to the equipment’s user. By Ryan Smoot, CUI Devices
Common reliability factors in peltier modules
Gaining more wide-spread use due to their precise temperature control and reliable solid-state construction, Peltier modules or ThermoElectric Coolers (TEC) operate by transferring heat from one side of the module to the other when electrical power is applied. By CUI Devices
Key technologies defining smarter factories: connectivity
If manufacturers are to remain competitive and protect their profit margins in the future, then smarter factories the real-time monitoring and management of data will be critical. This will encompass the whole manufacturing chain, from the production facilities themselves through to the numerous material and component suppliers involved. By Mark Patrick, Mouser Electronics
Improving coverage and confidentiality of video surveillance solutions
If a picture is worth a thousand words, high definition video must be worth much, much more. It’s what’s made the technology so popular in such a broad range of applications, including online face‑to‑face communication, entertainment, domestic surveillance, access control, and more.
Surviving the frequency of open source vulnerabilities
In a previous post, I provided a retrospective on Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) and examined Wind River's four-step process to mitigate threats and achieve a strengthened security posture. In this post, I will contrast the learning’s of a 'roll your own' (RYO) Linux platform approach and illuminate some of the advantages for commercially supported Linux. Guest blog written by Glenn Seiler.
Could COVID-19 improve supply chain resilience?
The COVID-19 outbreak has brought the global economy to a standstill with repercussions likely to be felt for decades to come. In particular, this pandemic has exposed the delicate foundations upon which much of global business runs. Pre-existing, and now glaringly obvious, vulnerabilities in global supply chains have left entire economies paralysed. By Bram de Zwart, Co-Founder &a...
How APIs can help businesses transform during COVID-19
The biggest damage the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has created outside the human cost is the paralysis of economies worldwide. Many countries have been forced into lockdown mode, almost completely restricting people’s mobility. By Dunith Dhanushka, Lead Solutions Engineer, WSO2.
4G LTE-M and NB-IoT devices show no signs of going obsolete
Existing 4G LTE devices will continue to connect seamlessly to 4G LTE radio access networks, even as they evolve to enable the first generation of 5G networks.