
Sourceability – Quotengine

8th November 2022
James Anstee

Quotengine is a comprehensive digital tool that allows users to quote, manage, and purchase product parts or bill of materials in one easy interface.

Purchasers can source their materials via the Sourcengine marketplace, representing over 3500 suppliers, and/or select products from their quoted bill of materials to send RFQs for further negotiation. This product was designed to help users find additional stock, better pricing, and plan deliveries for up to 12 months in advance. Quotengine is available both as an online application and as a standalone tool that can be utilised with internal systems.

Quotengine is the most comprehensive way for electronic component purchasers to get pricing and lead times across thousands of vendors. When comparing the product to its competitors, it’s the go-to tool to help make the buying process simpler and more convenient while saving hours of work, resources, and waiting time for vendors to respond to RFQs. The product’s functionality also exceeds other tools. Using Quotengine, users are able transact on the site itself, rather than having to build multiple carts and track fulfilment across many different vendors. Additionally, Quotengine can export original content from bill of materials and handle minimum order quality, minimum product quality and stock issues, unlike aggregator sites which make it harder to identify and fix quantity issues.

Visit Sourceability at electronica, C2.379 and chat to the team about the comprehensive digital tool.

Find more information about the product here:

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