
Webinar explains New Foundation For Image-Based Barcode Readers

15th May 2012
ES Admin
Cognex Corporation invites you to join 31-year veteran and Cognex co-founder Bill Silver for an online presentation explaining a completely new foundation for image-based barcode readers. Please join us, as Bill presents “A New Foundation for 1-D Barcode Reading: Hotbars Image Analysis Technology” in a live webinar on Tuesday, May 22 at 2 p.m. EDT.
Hotbars is the result of a two-year R&D effort led by Bill and his team that fundamentally changes the way that image-based barcode readers generate 1-D signals from barcodes, and enables the latest generation of image-based barcode readers to outperform traditional laser scanners in the most demanding applications.

During the webinar, Bill will describe how Hotbars finds barcodes in a scene and extracts 1-D signals for decoding. He will discuss the performance of Hotbars, with particular emphasis on significant improvements in resolution and speed, as well as the implications of these innovations for the future of barcode reading.

The Webinar will last for 30 minutes and can be accessed directly from your desktop with no software to download or phone charges incurred. To participate in this informative Webinar, register today. Additionally, attendees will be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card.

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