Viscom to Exhibit 3-D SPI Unit with SPI-AOI Uplink at the IPC APEX Expo
Viscom proudly announces that it will exhibit its recently introduced 3-D SPI system in Booth #2629 at the upcoming IPC APEX Expo, scheduled to take place February 28 - March 1, 2012 at the San Diego Convention Center in California. The system is now available with the unique SPI-AOI Uplink feature that provides better defect detection during post-reflow AOI, ensuring the lowest false alarm rates.
ViscViscom’s S3088 SPI uses available highly accurate measurement data of the paste print to optimize post-reflow automatic optical inspection (AOI) at the end of the production line. SPI measurement data is typically only used to classify paste print, allowing high tolerances of up to +/-50 percent volume. Viscom’s new SPI-AOI Uplink feature enables the use of information later in the process to assure post reflow defect detection while allowing high variability of the paste print process.
The evaluation of process errors, such as marginal print results that are just below the defect threshold, provides valuable information about the expected solder joint quality. For every solder joint that is subject to post-reflow inspection, the volume, shape and position data of the corresponding solder paste deposit is made known to the AOI via the Uplink interface. This allows users to automatically adapt the post-reflow AOI inspection parameters according to the expected defect type. Too little paste volume often leads to open solder joints while solder bridges could be the product of excessive paste deposits. The consequently tighter classification of the AOI results in better defect detection while reducing false alarms.
Additionally, the depiction of paste images and additional data, together with AOI solder joint images at the post-reflow verification station, enhances the manual classification process.
Viscom’s AOI and SPI systems, as well as the results of a recent field study to verify the improvement through the SPI-AOI Uplink feature, will be presented at the show.