Success of online product sourcing service IC4me prompts Focus EDL to add applications engineering support
FocusEDL, the leading electronic components distributor specializing in the communications and high-performance datacoms industries and the company behind IC4me, has increased its applications support team.
As wCommenting, Managing Director Geoff Philpot said, “We established IC4me as pretty much an automated process requiring minimal input from customers to begin the search. Experience now tells us that, whilst the majority of our searches involve a standard part that is currently hard to find, a good percentage of enquiries need some human technical input to either fine tune the search or to help the customer to select suitable alternatives if the part is unavailable.
Access to IC4me is via either or the Focus EDL website where a link will enable customers to enter basic information about the component they require. The search facility embedded within IC4me interrogates a comprehensive supplier database to identify possible worldwide sources for the target component. IC4me then requests product availability and pricing from these potential sources.