
Strong partner for machine vision support and services

18th June 2014
Nat Bowers

High volume output, maximum accuracy and quality with short throughput times and high clock rates at the same time. That's what every machine has to deliver nowadays. Each plant unit must work perfectly. Image processing helps to implement these requirements and organise them even more efficiently, if it is used correctly.

However, this is precisely where the difficulty lies. Vision & Control has revised its support and services for mechanical and plant engineering and improved it with a solution concept in several stages.

Solutions can be designed as individually as the requirements may be. The task and environmental conditions are extremely different for every single use of machinery and plants. Resulting in a whole variety of possible solutions even for the same image processing tasks. There is not one ideal solution. As a components manufacturer, Vision & Control therefore does not restrict itself to developing, producing and selling its components but offers its customers an "all-inclusive package". As a whole range of factors have to be taken into account to achieve optimum efficiency and the smooth application of image processing. Anyone who has little or no experience in using image processing technology should rely on an experienced partner like Vision & Control. The company from Suhl has always offered consultancy and service. What is new is the solution concept in multiple stages. This should meet customers' different requirements and need for support.

The "first stage" includes comprehensive, professional consultancy by the Vision & Control customer service team. Customers not only receive support when selecting components but their task is holistically analysed on request too. At the end of this consultancy on the solution, components are recommended which are best to solve the task.

Many questions and uncertainties cannot be clarified on the phone or over email though. Anyone who does not have the possibility or knowledge to test the recommended image processing solution under environmental conditions themselves, receives additional support in the "second stage". There is the option here of using the extensively equipped application laboratory at Vision & Control yourself or having a feasibility study carried out by service staff at Vision & Control. If you still have questions a feasibility study is produced to give the user security. The customer is professionally assisted in finding the right solution. The Vision & Control support team also assists with the commissioning of image processing, if required. Service and consultancy on site are other important elements of comprehensive solution support: workshops on finding solutions, training on commissioning or tailored educational and training courses. This is where Vision & Control relies on the many years of accumulated experience at the Vision Academy, Machine Vision Training Centre, which belongs to the corporate group.

However, not everybody can and wants to solve their image processing task with support or on their own. That's why in the "third stage" Vision & Control offers complete solutions from project planning to commissioning, which are carried out by experienced and certified partners. Depending on the task, Vision & Control puts you in contact with a regionally connected system house. These trained and experienced partners are able to professionally implement complete solutions on schedule.

The individual stages of the solution concept build upon one another and are closely coordinated with Vision & Control partners. As a result, customers not only save time, money and hassle but they can also be sure they have found the best solution for their task.

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