
Security training goes multi-lingual

28th July 2016
Joe Bush

To enhance security awareness training and simulated phishing tests, KnowBe4 has introduced its Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training in 26 language versions. The interactive, on-demand computer-based training covers high risk topics and how to identify red flags such as the current ransomware epidemic, the W-2 scam and CEO email fraud which are costing the economy billions of dollars.

The released languages include Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Polish, Finnish, Hungarian, Norwegian, Arabic and multiple dialects of key languages.

An updated FBI alert issued in June warned of a massive increase in CEO fraud to the tune of $3.1bn, up from $2.3bn noted in April, 2016. Companies are now realising they cannot keep doing the same old annual awareness training, as threats are evolving much faster.

KnowBe4’s CEO Stu Sjouwerman stated: “Employees are the weakest link in your network security and you need effective security awareness training to keep on top of furiously innovating cyber crime. The new features we are announcing were previously out of reach for IT managers with limited budget, and we have worked hard to make effective training and frequent simulated phishing affordable for these companies.”

KnowBe4’s Chief Hacking Officer Kevin Mitnick stated: “Our new EZXploit feature truly assesses whether your business can be exploited by the bad guys. Just clicking on a link sent in email alone doesn't mean your business can be successfully phished. The true test is to determine whether the user can be exploited. EZXploit allows you evaluate that risk.”

New features include:

EZXploit: Includes patent pending functionality that allows an internal, fully automated ‘human pentest’. By launching a simulated phishing attack, which when clicked, comes up with a secondary ruse like a Java pop-up that the user is further social engineered to click on. No malicious action is performed but the process which allows IT to see which data is accessible and users most prone to click by scanning info such as user name, IP address, a user’s workstation and Active Directory info.

USB Drive Test: A customer can download a special, ‘beaconised’ Microsoft Office file from the KnowBe4 admin console onto a USB drive which can then be dropped at an on-site, high traffic area. If an employee picks up the USB drive, plugs it in their workstation, and opens the file, it will ‘call home’ and report the fail.

GEO-location was added by KnowBe4 to its phishing templates, allowing an admin to see where simulated phishing attack failures are on a map, with drilldown capability and CSV-export options. This is highly useful for multi-site offices and road warriors alike.

KnowBe4’s programme provides a new approach that integrates baseline testing using mock attacks, engaging web-based training and continuous assessment through simulated phishing, vishing or smishing attacks to build a more resilient and secure organisation. KnowBe4 also provides ‘double-random’ message delivery with hundreds of highly realistic phishing messages, spread over time. Every employee receives a different phishing email at a different time, eliminating the ‘prairie dog’ effect. Automated phishing campaigns with unlimited usage and community templates help keep IT efforts current.

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