RADWIN Launches New High Capacity 2.5 GHz BRS/EBS Solution for North America
RADWIN has announced the immediate availability of the RADWIN 2000 2.5 GHz BRS/EBS solution for North America. The new wireless point-to-point solution is ideal for 2.5 GHz license-holders such as carriers, ISPs, public and private organizations such as educational institutions (e.g. colleges, universities and school boards). The 2.5 GHz band was given to these educational entities to encourage education and community programming. License holders must demonstrate substantial use; otherwise licenses will be reclaimed by the FCC on 11/1/2011
MikeThe RADWIN 2000 Point-to-Point systems set a new benchmark in performance and robustness. Delivering up to 200 Mbps and up to 16 E1s/T1s with carrier-grade reliability, RADWIN 2000 meets capacity requirements of high-bandwidth applications. The solutions are affordable and remarkably easy to install, commission and maintain.