Nanoktn helps academia and Industry to Secure European Funding for Biomaterials in Medicine and Healthcare - Runcorn – 12th August 2010
The Nanotechnology Knowledge Transfer Network (NanoKTN), one of the UK’s primary knowledge-based networks for Micro and Nanotechnologies, is pleased to announce its NanoMiTE Focus Group, in partnership with the Chemistry Innovation and Materials KTNs, is organising an event to help industry and academia secure European funding for biomaterials in medicine and healthcare.
NanoTissue engineering is a multidisciplinary field that applies expertise in clinical medicine, engineering and life sciences. Novel tissue replacement parts and implementation strategies have been developed, which aim to improve health and quality of life by restoring, maintaining, or enhancing tissue and organ function. Current challenges include developing more complex functionality being integrated into novel tissues, and for rational regulation with product development. NanoMiTE will enable the UK tissue engineering community to take a lead in both the advancement and regulation of this field.
Speakers at this event will describe their own successes with European Framework funding and the challenges they faced to achieve this. Representatives from the UK National Contact Points (NCPs) for HEALTH and NMP (Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies) will then present the European funding opportunities available in the upcoming FP7 call (July 2010) and detail the approaches that should be taken to build a strong consortium and write an effective funding proposal.
Alec Reader, Director of the NanoKTN said, “In today’s challenging funding environment, European funding represents a good opportunity for industry and academia to access high levels of funding for impactful collaborative research. Applying for European funding does contain bureaucratic steps, but the rules for success are clear and for well considered projects the process is straightforward and has a higher success rate than much of the alternative UK based funding.”
This free event will be of value to partners who are looking to join a consortium, build their consortium, or are looking to sharpen their proposal for an existing consortium. Examples of relevant funding calls include: NMP.2011.2.2-2 Biomaterials for tissue engineering for age-related cancer and sensory organ diseases and HEALTH.2011.1.4-2 Tools, technologies and devices for application in regenerative medicine. Other opportunities will also be presented on the day.
The event will be held in Runcorn on Thursday 12th August 2010. For more information and to register for the event please contact or visit: Surgery sessions with the NCP representatives will be held at the event and are pre-bookable.
For any interested parties unable to attend the event in person, a real-time webinar will also be run to follow the presentations and hear the speakers.
Established by the Technology Strategy Board, the NanoKTN is managed by Centre for Process Innovation Ltd, a leading technology development and consulting company.