
Multidimensional service assurance platform wins F&S award

17th June 2016
Barney Scott

Anritsu announces that it has earned the 2016 Global Big Data and Customer Experience Analytics Technology Innovation Award from Frost & Sullivan, a global growth partnership company. Anritsu was presented with the prestigious award for its eoMind/eoSight multi-dimensional service assurance platform that provides next-generation customer experience analytics so communication service providers (CSPs) can cost-efficiently collect, process, store, and generate actionable results from all the detailed data available.

“Anritsu recognizes that changing business environments and the rise in data content have created the need for easy-to-use, real-time, and high-performance analytical solutions that can handle data diversity in terms of format and resources to optimize network performance. Our eoMind and eoSight were specifically developed to meet this market dynamic, so CSPs can most effectively integrate large amounts of data from various vendor agnostic sources and connect, measure, monitor, manage, and monetize data rate silos seamlessly and extract value,” said Neil McKinlay, Senior Manager, Anritsu Product & Solutions Management.

Frost & Sullivan implemented its 10-step evaluation process to determine eoMind/eoSight as the award-winning technology. In making the announcement, Frost & Sullivan noted that an innovative element of eoSight is its approach toward data analytics and metrics that include simple and intuitive dashboards and visualizations from every angle of all key facets of service and experience assurance. This core approach is adopted from the network viewpoint and is focused on the entire supply chain across individual users, devices, applications, and cells. In addition, the solution can monetize data focused on its geospatial capabilities.

Evaluators recognized that eoSight brings true 360-degree multidimensional visibility into the customer experience and service performance. The result is that network operations teams, marketing teams, engineering, customer care, and C-level users have the most knowledge in the correct format at the right time to optimize the network, enhance the customer experience, improve key performance indicators (KPIs), understand overall performance, and monetize the network and services with actionable insights in real time.

eoMind extends this capability with real-time, in-memory streaming analytics, providing a superior approach to the traditional, slower methods of manually capturing, storing, moving, transforming, and analyzing data. A machine learning platform, eoMind offers data streams with real-time alerts whenever issues impacting customers arise, which, for the first time, enables operators to deploy automated operational and customer intelligence, improving performance and customer quality.

“eoSight and eoMind are high-scale, low-cost, and high-performance solutions that allow access to data from several different agnostic data sources. Both solutions represent true innovation based on a deep understanding of future needs and applications. With the Internet of Things (IoT), Anritsu is well positioned to support the data and address several new applications. The main focus is to support the requirements coming from telecoms; however, Anritsu’s technology has the potential to build an ecosystem that supports machine-to-machine (M2M) providers,” said Frost & Sullivan Industry Analyst, Mariano Kimbara.

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