Multi-Channel Analogue Adder/Subtractor
Lee-Dickens has introduced the BD940, a signal converter that will add or subtract between two and four scaleable input mA or Voltage signals and one internal scaleable constant. The BD940 then converts the result into an isolated standard transmission voltage or current signal.
EachThe BD940 can be supplied with either a 115 or 230 AC power supply. A 9-30 DC option is also available (model number BM940). The unit has an operating temperature range of -20 to +60 degreesC and works in humidity up to 95%.
The Lee-Dickens manufacturing centre in Northamptonshire is able to produce this high quality, but now niche product at a reasonable cost. The BD940 enables end users to replace current equipment and extend the life of the plant without having to buy new racks or spend vast amounts of time and money rewiring. Furthermore, replacing like-for-like products in specialist applications will remove the requirement for re-training and may negate the requirement for submitting a new safety case.