Lattice And Helion Provide Full HD HDR Color Pipe For Video Security & Surveillance Applications On Lattice FPGA Families
Lattice and Helion GmbH today announced that they have released Intellectual Property (IP) cores for the video security and surveillance camera market. Targeting the LatticeXP2, LatticeECP2M™ and LatticeECP3™ FPGA families, Helion has demonstrated its IONOS video pipeline IP and Vesta evaluation platform.
The Helion’s Vesta evaluation platform is a modular technology platform that combines a video processing baseboard, an image sensor and a Lattice FPGA capable of supporting a range of Helion’s IONOS video pipelines.
Helion offers a comprehensive selection of video pipelines, ranging from basic to advanced monochrome and color pipelines, all the way through high resolution advanced High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI) color pipelines. Depending on the pipeline selected, it will consist of a number of individual video processing IP cores, such as defective pixel correction, logic-efficient 3 x 3 De-Bayering, high quality 5 x 5 De-Bayering, color-correction matrix, gamma correction, auto-exposure, auto-white balance and more. These cores also support Lattice FPGA devices, and all are compatible and simply connected using the Wishbone bus.
“LatticeXP2, ECP2M and ECP3 FPGAs support several image preprocessing functions for a number of image sensors from VGA to 12 MP,” said Dr. Arndt Bussmann, Chief Technical Officer at Helion GmbH. “The Wishbone bus makes it easy to combine and connect our various IONOS IP cores according to customer needs. That makes it easier to link different IP cores with each other and to use the appropriate FPGA, ranging from a small XP2 FPGA for a simple preprocessing unit, like monochrome VGA with our Fast Auto Exposure, up to an ECP2M or ECP3 FPGA with full HD or 12MP color pipe, including HDR. This combination of the Lattice FPGA, the Wishbone architecture and our IONOS IP cores is a very effective way to get an economical and customized image processing unit.”
“We chose to work with Helion due to the quality of their IP. Helion’s HDR IP is capable of supporting 1080p60, up to 12MP sensors, delivering full HD and protects the customer’s investment. It delivers quality at reduced system cost by eliminating the need for an external frame buffer, with the entire Image Signal Processing Pipeline, including HDR, implemented in streaming mode through the Lattice FPGA,” said Niladri Roy, Lattice Senior Product Marketing Manager. “Helion’s auto exposure IP is one of the industry’s fastest for HDR sensors, executing within three frames, with no visible display bloom or blackout. Working with an Aptina A-1000 image sensor, Helion IP can deliver a scene dynamic range of 120dB and a system dynamic range up to 170dB, exceeding the requirements of both security and surveillance and automotive camera manufacturers.”