Get briefed on International Trade Agreements
Trade Agreements' Impact on the Electronics Industry, released last week by IPC is a topic brief that explores the details of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) and the TransPacific Partnership (TPP). In particular, the brief addresses the potential impacts of these trade agreements on the various segments and regions of the global electronics industry.
Trade Agreements' Impact on the Electronics Industry is designed to help the reader best comprehend the information included in the trade agreements. The topic brief provides a historical perspective of U.S. trade agreements while summarizing complex issues and topics. In addition, actionable content is included in a way to improve organizations within the electronics industry, as well as increase the efficiency of their employees.
“We are very excited to assist the electronics industry with this complex and multifaceted issue,” said John Mitchell, IPC president and CEO and primary author of the topic brief. “Good or bad, these international trade agreements will have an impact on many of our members’ businesses. As an association, it is our job to help the electronics industry understand how international trade and in this instance TPP and T-TIP could potentially affect their organizations.”