
Free Keithley Web-Based Seminar Explores Source Measurement Instrumentation

15th February 2012
ES Admin
Keithley Instruments, Inc. will broadcast a free, web-based seminar titled “What is an SMU Instrument, and How Do You Decide Which One is Right for Your Application?” on Thursday, February 23, for participants in North America and on Thursday, March 1, for those in Europe. This one-hour seminar will address how source measurement unit (SMU) instruments work, describe key features and capabilities to consider when selecting them, and compare the performance of various SMU instruments in “real-world” applications. To register for this event, visit
SMU instruments were originally developed in the 1980s to boost test productivity, deliver more complete characterization, and increase overall test system performance. However, to obtain the optimum productivity, system builders must look beyond the “banner specs” in order to choose the most appropriate SMU for a specific application.

This seminar is recommended for engineers, researchers, educators, and students working with semiconductor-based devices, components, materials, and technologies with current vs. voltage (I -V) characteristics that must be verified and/or better understood. Typical devices and technologies include traditional silicon, compound semiconductors (such as silicon carbide and gallium nitride) for power/energy applications like HBLEDs and solar cells, electronic components, nanotechnology, and new materials like graphene, a single-atomic-layer-thick crystal of carbon that can exist at room temperature.

Lishan Weng, the seminar presenter, is an applications engineer at Keithley Instruments, Inc. in Cleveland, Ohio, which is part of the Tektronix test and measurement portfolio. Weng is interested in new measurement instruments/techniques related to graphene. She holds master’s degrees in both electrical engineering and physics from Purdue University, where her research focused on graphene devices and p-type GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. Her previous research also includes carbon nanotube based nanolithography and tunable graphene oxidation, as well as quantum transport measurement and a specialization in AFM lithography.

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