EVOLVE: Intelligent Systems With Windows 8
The market for integrated solutions with embedded devices continues to grow rapidly. Microsoft have addressed this segment with its Intelligent Systems concept. With the launch of Windows Embedded 8, it is now possible to take advantage of Windows 8 in the Intelligent Systems environment. The new opportunities, both from the technological side as well as with regard to new revenue opportunities, will be presented during the event.
T- What technological innovations bring Windows 8 for the embedded market
- Intelligent Systems
- Design and concept
- Revenue potential
Target Audience:
-Embedded systems developers and technical decision makers
Event details and registration:
March 26, 2013
08:30 to 14:00
Microsoft Germany
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 1
85716 Unterschleiβheim
Registration is available here:
Keynote - Intelligent Systems Concept
The conversion of data from devices, such as how embedded POS systems are obtained, in business-related information, which in turn used by the management to optimize processes, is one of the challenges which many companies are facing today. At the same time, it is a rapidly growing market segment that is estimated by IDC to a volume of 2.3 billion units in 2015, representing a threefold increase in three years. With the Intelligent Systems concept, Microsoft provides a scaffold that can be used to build integrated, vertical solutions.