ESIA reports April semiconductor sales of $2.6bn in Europe
Semiconductor sales in Europe amounted to $2.641bn in April 2016, the European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA) reported on 3 June. The report, based on the latest WSTS figures, shows a 0.8% decrease compared to March, in line with worldwide developments. On a worldwide basis, semiconductor sales in April were $25.836bn, down 1.0% compared the previous month. All growth figures represent a three-month rolling average.
Looking at semiconductor device categories, several of the main product lines showed robust month-to-month growth in Europe. The main drivers of April sales were sensors & actuators, discrete devices and analog devices, up 6.7%, 4.4%, and 1.1% respectively compared to March.
In April, exchange rate effects were stronger than in March, when comparing market growth in Euros and in Dollars. Measured in Euro, semiconductor sales in Europe were 2.362bn Euros in April 2016, down 2.2% compared to the previous month.