
Innovative ADI demos at electronica 2012 feature Aaronia and Inova

10th October 2012
ES Admin
Analog Devices has announced today that Germany-based companies Aaronia and Inova Semiconductors will participate in product demonstrations in the ADI booth at electronica Aaronia will showcase its newest hand-held RF spectrum analyser with a “treasure hunt” allowing show attendees to use the Spectran V5 spectrum analyser to find RF devices. Next-generation infotainment and driver assistance systems in vehicles integrated with a smart phone will be demonstrated using Inova’s Automotive PIXel Link technology.

About The Aaronia Spectran V5 RF Spectrum Analyse Demonstration

The Aaronia demonstration will consist of a high-tech “treasure hunt.” Attendees can use Aaronia’s portable spectrum analyzer to find RF sources in and around the ADI booth including the ADI wireless network, cell phones and other devices.

About Vehicle Infotainment Smart Phone Integration

A multi-zone infotainment system demonstrating smartphone integration and in-car distribution of high-definition content using Inova’s APIX2 technology will be featured in ADI’s booth. APIX2 meets automotive requirements for EMI and cost efficiency while transmitting two uncompressed high-definition video streams, multi-channel audio and 100Mbits/s Ethernet data over a single 4-wire shielded twisted-pair cable. The demonstration features video conferencing and touch surfaces in remote displays via standard Ethernet protocols and the integration of real-time user interfaces and applications using HDMI connectivity to smart phones.

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