CST & Luceda partner for optical integrated circuit design
Computer Simulation Technology (CST) and Luceda Photonics announce their partnership to make layout, physical simulation and circuit simulation of optical components easily available within a single framework at OFC, booths 1651/1653.
Photonic Integrated Circuits are on the rise and this trend is anticipated to accelerate in the future. The design of such circuits typically involves multiple steps, including circuit simulation and layout. Circuit components are usually based on Photonics Design Kits (PDKs) provided by foundries, and full-wave photonic simulation of components is often needed to extract more accurate component models, or to study the effect of heat on the component.
The new link between the IPKISS Design Framework and CST STUDIO SUITE (CST S2) allows the engineer to add the power of highly accurate full-wave photonic simulation at the push of a button. IPKISS will automatically create ready-to-run projects that can be simulated using CST advanced solver technology, with methods including FIT/FDTD (including GPU acceleration), FEM, and more. Simulation strategies can be perfected and re-used, streamlining the workflow. Results from the simulation are automatically transferred back to IPKISS and can be used to improve the accuracy of the overall photonic circuit simulation.
The CST S2-IPKISS link assures that PDKs can now include parameterised devices that are completely pre-configured for physical simulation. This means the circuit designer does not have to set up the FDTD settings at each simulation run. The intuitive and user-friendly CST STUDIO SUITE GUI makes it easy even for novice users to investigate and understand the field results of the photonic simulation.
“This new link combines the strengths of IPKISS and CST STUDIO SUITE – and it is virtually seamless”, said Dr. Frank Scharf, Principal Engineer, CST. “The power and usability of Luceda’s IPKISS framework makes it a strong tool in the photonic design workflow and we’re delighted to be able to integrate our products.”
“Many design teams in tele- or datacom face design challenges in both the optical as well as the MW&RF domain”, said Pierre Wahl, co-founder of Luceda Photonics. “With the CST S2-IPKISS link, our customers can use the same world-leading solution to run simulations in both domains using the same GUI and simulation engines and will be able to address all their simulation needs without the need to acquire different design tools.”
CST and Luceda will be presenting the CST S2-IPKISS link at OFC at neighboring booths #1651 and #1653