
Anritsu Corporation Announces Discontinuation of Countermeasures to Large-Scale Purchase of the Company’s Shares

25th April 2013
ES Admin
Back in June 27, 2007, Anritsu introduced countermeasures to Large-Scale Purchase of the Company’s Shares (the “Plan”). The continuation of the Plan was approved at the 84th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June 24, 2010. The Plan will expire at the conclusion of the 87th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders expected to be held on June 26, 2013.
At the meeting of the Board of Directors held today, the Board of Directors decided to discontinue the Plan at the conclusion of the 87th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. The details are as follows:

The Company started working on midterm business plan “GLP2012” in 2010. Since GLP2012 has been achieved ahead of schedule, we have set up a new longer plan aimed at a Ten-year span “ANRITSU 2020 VISION” along with a new milestone midterm business plan “GLP2014”. We are currently working on achieving those goals. We believe that the management focusing on improving corporate value will lead to reducing risk of an emergence of a Large-Scale Purchaser which would materially damage corporate value as well as the common interests of the Shareholders.

The Company has been carefully considering, along with the consultation with the members of the Independent Committee, whether to continue or discontinue the Plan based on various situations surrounding the Company. As a conclusion, the Company recognized that our top priority at this time is to achieve “ANRITSU 2020 VISION” and the midterm business plan, improve the corporate value by maintaining and strengthening corporate governance, along with additional redistribution to our shareholders. We believe by adding more dialogues with our shareholders and investors, this will gain sufficient understanding of our management policy and proper evaluation of our corporate value. Therefore, the Company has decided to discontinue the Plan. We will continue to devote ourselves wholeheartedly to improve corporate value as well as common interests of the shareholders.

Should there be an attempt in the future, after the end of the Plan, to a Large-Scale Purchase of the Company’s Shares, the Company will, in a positive manner, request Large-Scale Purchaser to provide information as same set forth in the Plan, and we will disclose sufficient information to shareholders and investors. The Company will take appropriate measures, as necessary, accepted by the laws and regulations along with the Articles of Incorporation to protect and improve corporate value as well as common interests of the shareholders.

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