
Anglia moves to help customers through Brexit disruption

16th January 2019
Mick Elliott

Anglia Components is offering users of its Anglia 80/20 inventory management system the opportunity to hold increased levels of inventory at no cost, ahead of any potential Brexit disruption. This additional inventory will be invoiced as it is used – eliminating any call on the customer’s financial capital.

Anglia 80/20 offers customers an agreed level of inventory on their regularly used commodity components that are held on their site providing instant accessibility.

The level of inventory is normally scaled according to the customer’s forecast demand – but customers can increase their inventory ahead of the March 29 deadline to insulate themselves against potential customs delays following the UK’s departure from the EU. Anglia is offering 80/20 customers the opportunity to increase their stock levels at no additional cost. Once confidence returns, this additional inventory can simply be consumed as required or returned to the Anglia warehouse.

Steve Rawlins, CEO of Anglia, explained, “Anglia is committed to the success of its customers, and we are always thinking forward about ways in which we can protect their supply chain. We were able to help many customers during the recent component shortages – and we are looking to help them again in the event that Brexit disrupts the supply chain.”

Anglia 80/20 introduced a new level of flexibility to the supply chain, which was previously only available to large volume users through consignment/Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI).  There is no start-up cost.

Participating customers receive inventory in line with their forecast usage, which is invoiced as it is used.

Customers can track component usage in real time through an intuitive web-based dashboard, eradicating the need for manually updated usage reports.

Inventory can also be replenished daily, weekly or monthly with monthly consolidated invoicing if required.

This process is further complemented by a ‘single scan’ booking in system allowing users to book in a delivery containing multiple parts quickly and error free.

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