
Advanced Vista Software for PC Audio CODECs

9th October 2006
ES Admin
IDT has announced the availability of a High Definition Audio codec software driver which enables IDT PC Audio customers to implement advanced audio capabilities in Windows Vista compliant systems. Through its acquisition of the industry’s highest fidelity PC Audio codecs, IDT enables PC OEMs and ODMs unparalleled audio fidelity with sophisticated and flexible software, fastest time to market and low risk. With its requirements for superior audio fidelity, Windows Vista is a major transition for many computing vendors, who can rely on IDT to not only help ease their path towards Vista compliancy but also enable them to achieve innovative audio capabilities.
The new software, which utilizes the existing IDT HD Audio codecs, allows customers to easily provide simultaneous audio processing objects (APO) -- including third-party addons and proprietary functionality -- beyond the capabilities built into Vista itself. The software also provides an unmatched ability to achieve dynamic resource reassignment, allowing independent multiple audio streams with no interruption to music or video playback while providing a seamless and intuitive experience to listeners when multiple audio usages occur simultaneously, such as listening to music or making voice over IP telephony calls.

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