
ACD Wins a 2011 Global Technology Award for its Flight Status Board Tracking System

16th November 2011
ES Admin
ACD announces that it has been awarded a Global Technology Award in the category of Contract services $1-25 million for its Flight Status Board Tracking System. The award was presented to the company during a Tuesday, November 15, 2011 ceremony that took place at the New Munich Trade Fair Centre in Munich, Germany during Productronica 2011. The new board tracking system leverages state-of-the-art programming techniques to track the progress of circuit boards throughout the manufacturing process.
“ACD is committed to using data-driven automation throughout the company, and our Flight Status boards are a great example of this commitment. I am really pleased our developers received the recommendation they deserve,” commented W. Scott Fillebrown, President & CEO.

Flight Status is visible for employees to track the status of their orders at any point in the manufacturing process. Touch-screen displays present a real-time list of projects and board counts within specific process centers, including the quantity of boards in previous and subsequent process centers. An assembler can touch the line for a specific project to drill down into information relevant to that specific project in process, such as the enforced route and contact information.

The Flight Status system displays are prominent and highly-visible in specific process centers. Determining board status no longer requires reliance on email and all of the uncertainties that plague email systems. Leveraging information-at-a-glance, assemblers are better able to anticipate and prepare for machine turnaround and setup for the next job since they can see when they are nearing the end of the quantity of boards for the current run. The immediacy of ACD’s Flight Status System dramatically increases reliability, certainty and predictability of information distribution to meet the real-time demands of the high-mix electronics manufacturing process.

Premiering in 2005, the Global Technology Awards program is an annual celebration of product excellence in electronics surface mount assembly. Premier products based on the finest examples of creative advancement in technology are chosen by a distinguished panel of industry experts.

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