Thales, Qoitech link to deliver 5G NB-IoT starter kit
Thales and Qoitech have combined their products into starter kits that offer easy setup for evaluation and prototyping of narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) connectivity and its energy consumption.
The starter kits are in stock at distributor Digi-Key Electronics.
Thales' DEVKIT ENS22-E NB-IOT is an easy-to-configure starter kit with an NB-IoT module that supports major operators in Europe and APAC regions where NB-IoT technology has already been well-deployed.
This powerful development board allows users to quickly test prototypes in a laboratory environment, providing cellular connectivity as well as various control functions over standard AT command interfaces.
External peripherals like sensors, actuators, or additional interfaces to external applications are easily connected to all accessible module lines via pin headers.
Thales' DevKit ENS22 is configured to work with the Otii Arc, using a dedicated cable that is included in the package.
Qoitech's OTII-ARC-001 is a multitool, power analyser, power supply, and log sync, all in one package.
Designed for everyday use on any developer's desktop, Otii is compact, portable, and quiet, yet comprehensive in the technical features needed for the energy optimisation of battery-driven devices.
One of the most prominent features of Otii Arc is its ability to display current and voltage measurements in real-time, enabling analysis of an energy profile synced to device UART logs.
Otii Arc can be upgraded with Otii Toolboxes; software add-ons that elevate the instrument into specialised tools such as a battery profiler and simulator or automation tool.
Otii Arc can be used in development, test and verification, quality assurance and maintenance (for example as part of continuous integration set-up), and technical sales.