Piezoelectrics key to IoT and power from roads?

4th December 2018
Lanna Deamer

California and Europe are pumping millions into development of electricity-generating roads using piezoelectrics. Piezos will also be useful in self-powered IoT nodes because no one will change or even charge millions of batteries for those nodes let alone the envisaged billions. Without self-powered nodes, the IoT will be nothing more than a footnote in history.

The new IDTechEx Research report, "Piezoelectric Harvesting and Sensing 2019-2039" is the first to pull it all together. Milliwatts or megawatts: where will piezoelectric success lie? Why are life sciences seeking so many self-powered sensors? Can we combine piezo and solar roads for charging cars at speed and self-deicing?

Much traffic and the piezo generates well: little traffic and the solar generates well? As the report makes clear, we need something more affordable and less poisonous than the traditional lead zirconate titanate for this. Which researchers and startups promise this? Why is the new piezotronics combining semiconductor devices and piezo so exciting?

New materials, devices, formats and applications are in prospect including paint, film, wide area sensing and roads and paths creating megawatts. In a balanced appraisal based on many new interviews, the positives and negatives are surfaced in "Piezoelectric Harvesting and Sensing 2019-2039". That includes the struggle for acoustically wide band piezo harvesters for widespread deployment. That means the elusive standard vibration harvesters that work well in the real world.

This 241 page report has a comprehensive Executive Summary and Conclusions for those with limited time. Ten primary conclusions are presented then new infograms packed with data. Eleven forecasts for the devices and markets relevant to piezo harvesters and sensors are included with patent and popularity trends and initiators. The vibration harvesting market as a whole is appraised and routes to success in piezo harvesting are mapped. Piezo is also presented in the context of all harvesting markets by size in 2029.

Chapter 2 is the Introduction. It examines all harvesting technologies with piezo in context. Its parameters and uses are compared with other forms of harvesting. Promised improvements are revealed to make piezo roads a success. Choices of material are compared by parameter with latest arrivals. Modes of operation and standards are compared and multifunctional harvesters introduced.

Chapter 3 dives into the theory and fundamentals from crystallography to device and system design. This is brought alive by profiling several recent advances in research. Lead free and new morphologies are here plus how wide acoustic bandwidth and greater power can be achieved. Learn about polymer and flexible piezos and system design including battery elimination.

Chapter 4 specifically addresses piezo polymers for harvesting and sensing. Chapter 5 addresses low power energy harvesting and piezo sensors in consumer goods, healthcare and more. Piezo flags, wireless sensors, controllers and MEMS are here. Challenges of thin film versions are explained and there are many examples too plus dreams for the future.

Chapter 6 explores high power piezo harvesting with deepest coverage of the biggest current research investment: piezoelectric roads. Other targets and installations covered include wave power, rotating machines and flooring.

Chapter 7 analyses integration with other harvesters including woven and stretchable versions, even sails, and wearables.

Chapter 8 closely examines piezoelectric sensors - materials including new arrivals, transducers, functions, signal processing, advantages, challenges and hopes. Multifunctional sensing is here and a host of applications.

Chapter 9 profiles 54 organisations involved in piezo sensing and harvesting from materials research to distribution using new interviews and latest conference announcements.

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