Wireless Microsite
Complete IEEE802.15.4 solution for wireless networking from Microchip
Microchip has announced the MRF24J40MA FCC-certified Radio-Frequency (RF) transceiver module and the MiWi Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Wireless Protocol Stack, based upon the IEEE 802.15.4 specification. Together the MRF24J40MA module and MiWi (P2P) stack can target a variety of wireless networking applications, such as industrial monitoring and control, home and building automation, remote control, low-power wireless sensor networks, lighting control and automated meter reading.
ProvThe MiWi P2P protocol stack supports star and peer-to-peer wireless-network topologies with an ultra-small code implementation of 3K bytes for Microchip’s PIC microcontrollers (MCUs). As a result, the stack provides short-range wireless customers with hundreds of possible MCU implementations for applications that require simple node-to-node communication. Additionally, the new MiWi P2P stack provides sleeping-node, active-scan, and energy-detect features that enable robust operation while supporting the low-power requirements of battery-operated devices.