Model offers therapeutic target for pancreatic cancer
In a new study, published in Nature, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Moores Cancer Center, together with colleagues at Keio University, the University of Nebraska and Ionis Pharmaceuticals describe an innovative model that not only allowed them to track drug resistance in vivo, but also revealed a therapeutic target, which early testing suggests could provide a strategy to arrest pancreatic cancer gro...
Synthetic models have similar properties to human tissues
Researchers at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) have developed new synthetic models of human tissues that simulate the electromagnetic properties of different tissues and organs. Known as phantoms, these models may be of interest for the development of new technologies for use in medical screening, as well as for the evaluation of 5G mobile communication devices. The researchers have also devised a methodology for creat...
Entrepreneur launches crowd funding campaign for new tech device
Twenty-five year old Natalie Price has launched a crowd funding campaign to raise £14,000 to bring her low cost Proximity Button device for people with dementia and their carers to market. Price was inspired to create a device that would keep people living with dementia safer having watched her own mother care for people with the disease for over 15 years.
Material can kill E. Coli bacteria in just 30 seconds
Every day, we are exposed to millions of harmful bacteria that can cause infectious diseases, such as the E. coli bacteria. Now, researchers at the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN) of A*STAR have developed a new material that can kill the E. coli bacteria within 30 seconds. This finding has been published in the peer-reviewed journal Small.
AFM could help diagnose chronic heart disease
Researchers from the University of Lisbon and the North Lisbon Hospital Center (Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte) conducted a pilot study that demonstrated how atomic force microscopy (AFM) could be used as a non-invasive diagnostic tool for chronic heart disease. Their work appears in the recent issue of Nature Nanotechnology. The World Health Organization estimates that 17.5 million people die annually due to cardiovascular diseases.
Transforming patient care with wireless monitoring
The need for complete monitoring systems within today’s hospitals and care homes is growing rapidly, with demand for personal health information, early warning scores and alerting when a patient's condition is deteriorating.
Prodding leukemia cells with nanoprobes could provide cancer clues
Giving blood cells a gentle squeeze can reveal a great deal about their health. To find out more, researchers in France have used a tiny force probe to compare the mechanical responses of healthy and cancerous hematopoietic cells (biological structures that help to renew blood in the body).
Bed sensors help detect problems early
Developing and evaluating motion-capture technology to help older adults "age in place" has been the focus of researchers at the University of Missouri for more than a decade. Previous research has utilised video game technology and various web-cameras to detect health changes in Tiger Place residents. Now, two new studies demonstrate how monitoring walking speed using radar and heart health by utilising bed sensors help maintain older adults' he...
Wearable system aims to predict asthma attacks
Researchers have developed an integrated, wearable system that monitors a user's environment, heart rate and other physical attributes with the goal of predicting and preventing asthma attacks. The researchers plan to begin testing the system on a larger subject population this summer.
Polymer gels support targeted drug delivery
Physicists from the Lomonosov Moscow State University have advanced the development of new polymer gels for targeted drug delivery. They have published their results in the Journal of Chemical Physics. "The major outcome of the work is that for the first time a theoretical model was proposed, which laid the basis for analysing the conformational behavior of the hydrophobically modified (HM) polymer gels in a solution of the surface-acti...