MRI machine at the nanoscale breaks world records
A nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) microscope gives researchers an improved instrument to study fundamental physical processes. It also offers new possibilities for medical science—for example, to better study proteins in Alzheimer's patients' brains. The development has been reported in Physical Review Applied. If you get a knee injury, physicians use an MRI machine to look into the joint and determine the problem.
'Smart' thread gathers diagnostic data wirelessly
For the first time, researchers led by Tufts University engineers have integrated nano-scale sensors, electronics and microfluidics into threads - ranging from simple cotton to sophisticated synthetics - that can be sutured through multiple layers of tissue to gather diagnostic data wirelessly in real time, according to a paper published in Microsystems & Nanoengineering.
Latest insights into HIV drugs and drug resistance
A type of HIV drug currently being tested works in an unusual way, scientists in the Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit, a collaboration between EMBL and Heidelberg University Hospital, have found. They also discovered that when the virus became resistant to early versions of these drugs, it did not do so by blocking or preventing their effects, but rather by circumventing them. The study, published online in Science, presents the most detailed ...
Method could revolutionise single cell analysis
ETH researchers have developed a method using a nanosyringe whose tiny needle is able to penetrate single living cells and extract their content. The technology can be used for cell cultures, for example, in order to investigate the interior of the cells. This allows scientists to identify the differences between individual cells at the molecular level, as well as to identify and analyse rare cell types.
PEARLs will be promising to treat tumours
Dr. Gang Zheng and a team of biomedical researchers have discovered a "smart" organic, biodegradable nanoparticle that uses heat and light in a controlled manner to potentially target and ablate tumours with greater precision.
Scalp cooling system developed for chemotherapy treatment
A scalp cooling system for chemotherapy treatment has been enhanced by Titan Enterprises through integration of a Titan 800-Series flowmeter. Paxman Coolers, responsible for the optimum coolant flow system has been pioneering scalp cooling technology worldwide for over 25 years and are committed to improving the efficacy of scalp cooling for all cancer treatment patients across the world.
Nanosystems could be an alternative to delivering drugs
A number of drugs—from insulin to cancer chemotherapy—can be delivered only via injections, which are far more difficult for patients than taking a simple tablet or pill. It can also be more expensive, as this type of drug has to be prepared very carefully and sometimes can only be administered in a clinical setting. Ravikumar Majeti, PhD, a professor of pharmaceutical sciences at the Texas A&M Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmac...
High-resolution imaging reveals bacterial toxins
Many bacteria use specialised toxins to attack and infect other cells. Scientists at EPFL and the University of Bern have now modeled a major such toxin with unprecedented resolution, uncovering the way it works step-by-step. In order to infect other cells, many bacteria secrete a type of toxin that punctures the membrane of the target cell and form a pore; as a result, the cell dies.
A new way to diagnose and treat lung cancer
A team of researchers from Singapore has discovered a class of small RNA molecules, known as oncomiRs, which are responsible for fuelling lung cancer. Published in Nature Communications, the findings provide fresh insight into understanding therapy resistance in lung cancer and unveil new avenues to monitor and treat the disease more effectively.
High-power density medical AC/DC switching power supply
The addition of the CFM300M series open-frame medical AC/DC power supply that provides 300W of regulated power in a 3x5” footprint to Power Sources's Cincon portfolio. The CFM300M complies with international medical safety regulations per IEC/EN/UL 60601-1 3rd edition, two times MOPP level and meets the radiated and conducted emission requirements for EN 55022 Class B and CISPR/FCC Part 15 Class B.