Electronics as paint can be dangerous
You do not give a car battery to your children. It is dangerous. The same caution must be exercised as energy harvesting and storage arrives as electronics as paint. For example, a precursor of this is the InfinityPV adhesive solar tape you cut to any length, this determining voltage and power output.
Partnership to record agricultural data using blockchain
Finboot, the company behind the enterprise-grade blockchain middleware MARCO, has announced that it has partnered with Fidesterra, a Spain-based AgriTech group that is aiming to make agriculture more sustainable with the help of emerging technologies and to securely record agricultural data using blockchain. The partnership is one example of the way in which MARCO can be applied to AgriTech.
Home-made electronics proving crucial during lockdown
The countrywide lockdown brought about by the coronavirus pandemic has had a considerable impact on life across the UK, and whilst the lockdown restrictions are beginning to ease week by week, the pandemic has undeniably contributed to what was already a significant mental health crisis. To combat this, the hobby of home-made electronics is on the rise.
Using engineering expertise to power stairlifts
Denchi Group has secured a large-scale contract with DC motor system manufacturer Lemac. The two companies will use their combined expertise to help power stairlifts for a major brand manufacturer.
AR to usher in an era of interactive construction
There will be 3.5 billion augmented reality (AR) users by the year 2022, according to Digi-Capital. Construction is one of the many industries adopting this immersive technology, which is now changing the way that companies design, model and build. Here Ian Barnes, Head of Business at SITECH, discusses three ways that AR is creating an era of interactive construction.
Design for prototype testing
There are some tips and tricks you can deploy when developing a new PCB to help produce a useful first-time prototype and allow easier debugging of the design. Roland Bodlovic, Technical Manager, ByteSnap Design, offers some advice for prototype testing.
No boat? No problem: laying the world’s longest subsea cable
Construction of the longest subsea power cable in the world has now passed the halfway point and achieved a major engineering feat to enable Norway’s zero carbon hydro energy to be shared with the UK.
Can autonomous machine vision stave off the recession?
While the economic implications of COVID-19 threaten to shadow the Great Depression, here Harel Boren, CEO and co-founder of Inspekto, explained why Autonomous Machine Vision (AMV) could be the new New Deal.
Free guide to increase productivity in the warehouse
JLT Mobile Computers has announced that it is making available the benefits of its expertise in a series of ‘how to’ guides designed to help new and existing customers make the right strategic technology decisions to optimise their operations. The first guide in the series aims to increase productivity in the warehouse and is available for download.
Helping museum to bring smart agriculture to life
When the farm meets smart technology (smart agriculture), what will it look like? With the advent of the IoT, ‘Big Data’ and Machine Learning, many businesses can now quickly and accurately collect and analyse information to fine tune their processes and improve productivity and quality.