Aerospace & Defence
Superluminous supernova modelled in 2D for the first time
Sightings of a rare breed of superluminous supernovae—stellar explosions that shine 10 to 100 times brighter than normal—are perplexing astronomers. First spotted only in last decade, scientists are confounded by the extraordinary brightness of these events and their explosion mechanisms.
Analytical software promises Big Bang in astrophysics
Cutting-edge software has been developed to help astrophysicists see distant galaxies as never before. With the next generation of space missions set for launch, the project will enable European scientists to take full advantage of the latest data. Astronomers are really cosmic time travellers; distant galaxies are so far away that their light takes billions of years to reach us. Discovering these stellar systems means being able to look at ...
'Ghost particles' could improve understanding the universe
Trillions of neutrinos, or ghost particles, are passing through us every second. While scientists know this fact, they don't know what role neutrinos play in the universe because they are devilishly hard to measure. New measurements of neutrino oscillations, observed at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole, have shed light on outstanding questions regarding fundamental properties of neutrinos.
Next generation satellite components get smaller and lighter
As satellite communications (Satcoms) moves ever upwards in terms of frequency, so systems tend to move down the scale when it comes to weight and size. Whilst Naval platforms, such as ships, retain their overall size, reducing the above the water mass leads to increased stability. Whilst airborne platform have always sought the lightest components, in-vehicle and man-pack communications systems are the latest users of lightweight components, wri...
Shock sensor captures the full pulse in high-impact environments
In this white paper Robert Sill, Senior Scientist, PCB Piezotronics discusses a new micro electromechanical system sensor that has been introduced to capture the full pulse in high-impact environments.
How to define the best solution for your cabling needs
This white paper presents the technical basics behind sensing over fibre technologies, its main applications and the cabling solutions involved. Jacques Miéville, Project Manager, Fischer Connectors, discusses the key factors that will help you define the best solution for your cabling needs, in order to have the most reliable and easy-to-maintain system that reduces your maintenance operations.
Hundreds of space grade FPGAs deployed in satellite launch
Hundreds of Xilinx's Space Grade FPGAs were deployed in the launch of the Iridium NEXT satellites. Space Grade Virtex-5QV devices provide scalability and flexibility for new applications and innovations throughout its operational life in space. Iridium NEXT is the company’s next-gen satellite constellation, replacing and enhancing its existing network of low-Earth orbit satellites spanning the entire globe.
Chemistry method enhances search for life on other planets
A simple chemistry method could vastly enhance how scientists search for signs of life on other planets. The test uses a liquid-based technique known as capillary electrophoresis to separate a mixture of organic molecules into its components. It was designed specifically to analyse for amino acids, the structural building blocks of all life on Earth.
Cosmic lenses support finding on expansion of the Universe
Using galaxies as giant gravitational lenses, an international group of astronomers headed by Max Planck@TUM tenure track professor Sherry Suyu measured independently how fast the Universe is expanding. The newly measured expansion rate for the local Universe is consistent with earlier findings. These are, however, in intriguing disagreement with measurements of the early Universe. This hints at a fundamental problem at the very heart of our unde...
Solid state microwave power models on show at IDEX 2017
West London based manufacturer in the microwave and RF field, TMD Technologies (TMD), will be exhibiting for the first time at the International Defence Exhibition and Conference 2017 (IDEX). It will be showing a representative selection of its latest advanced products for air, land and sea defence applications.