Régulateur à récupération d'énergie, monolithique, forte tension, isolé, simplifiant la conception et supprimant le photocoupleur
Linear Technology Corporation annonce le LT3512, un régulateur à récupération d'énergie, monolithique, isolé et de forte tension, qui simplifie grandement la conception d’un convertisseur DC/DC isolé. Il ne nécessite pas de photocoupleur ni d’un troisième enroulement, ni d’un transformateur d’isolement dans la boucle de régulation, puisque la tension de sortie est détectée directement sur l’enroulement primaire du transform...
Un optocoupleur ultra compact offre une performance de commutation haute vitesse garantie jusqu'à 125°C
Toshiba Electronics Europe (TEE) a introduit un optocoupleur haute vitesse de type inverseur, ultra compact, qui garantit une performance sur une gamme étendue de températures tout en restant conforme aux exigences d'isolation renforcée des standards internationaux de sécurité.
Développer et déboguer sans trop débourser avec VisualDSP++ pour Blackfin
À l’occasion du salon Embedded World qui se tient à Nuremberg du 1er au 3 mars 2011, Analog Devices, Inc. (NYSE : ADI), l’un des premiers fournisseurs mondiaux de semi-conducteurs pour applications de traitement de signal de hautes performances, propose des remises pouvant atteindre 60 % sur le prix des outils de développement standard aux développeurs de produits embarqués architecturés autour de son processeur hautes performances Blac...
Le Nouveau Convertisseur N/A D’analog Devices Synthétise La Totalité Du Spectre Du Câble Dans Un Unique Port Rf
Analog Devices, Inc. (NYSE : ADI), l’un des premiers fournisseurs mondiaux de semi-conducteurs pour applications de traitement de signal de hautes performances*, annonce ce jour sous la référence AD9739A un nouveau convertisseur numérique/analogique 14 bits grâce auquel les opérateurs de réseaux câblés large bande et les câblo-opérateurs peuvent synthétiser la totalité du spectre du câble jusqu’à 1 GHz dans un unique port RF (fr...
RFID library Management system with fast, accurate book circulation
DAILY RFID has released superior RFID library system for faster book circulation in RFID Library Management. The RFID library system will include two different ISO 15693 compliant HF readers and HF labels, which ensure tracking objects accurately. And it can be also extended to other applications, such as document tracking and jewelry tracking.
RFID library Management system with fast, accurate book circulation
DAILY RFID has released superior RFID library system for faster book circulation in RFID Library Management. The RFID library system will include two different ISO 15693 compliant HF readers and HF labels, which ensure tracking objects accurately. And it can be also extended to other applications, such as document tracking and jewelry tracking.
RFMD Arms Popular Mobile Devices with Leading WiFi Connectivity Solutions
RF Micro Devices announced that global smartphone and tablet manufacturers designing around the WiLink™ 6.0 and WiLink 7.0 platforms from Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) (NYSE: TXN) can integrate RFMD’s RF3482 to gain reliable, flexible WiFi connectivity. Volume shipments of the RF3482 have begun, and RFMD estimates shipments will increase in support of key cellular and consumer device manufacturers.
RFMD Arms Popular Mobile Devices with Leading WiFi Connectivity Solutions
RF Micro Devices announced that global smartphone and tablet manufacturers designing around the WiLink™ 6.0 and WiLink 7.0 platforms from Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) (NYSE: TXN) can integrate RFMD’s RF3482 to gain reliable, flexible WiFi connectivity. Volume shipments of the RF3482 have begun, and RFMD estimates shipments will increase in support of key cellular and consumer device manufacturers.
Samsung Selects RFMD To Power Galaxy Smartphone And Tablet Family
RF Micro Devices, Inc. (Nasdaq GS: RFMD), a global leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance radio frequency components and compound semiconductor technologies, today announced that Samsung has selected RFMD's PowerSmart™ power platforms and WiFi components to enable a broad portfolio of next-generation 3G/4G devices. The highly anticipated Galaxy S 2 and Galaxy Tab 10.1 will both feature RFMD's PowerSmart, while the Galaxy Tab 1...
Samsung Selects RFMD To Power Galaxy Smartphone And Tablet Family
RF Micro Devices, Inc. (Nasdaq GS: RFMD), a global leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance radio frequency components and compound semiconductor technologies, today announced that Samsung has selected RFMD's PowerSmart™ power platforms and WiFi components to enable a broad portfolio of next-generation 3G/4G devices. The highly anticipated Galaxy S 2 and Galaxy Tab 10.1 will both feature RFMD's PowerSmart, while the Galaxy Tab 1...