Analog Devices Inc.
Price range: $2,256.45
The ADIS16488A iSensor® device is a complete inertial systemthat includes a triaxis gyroscope, a triaxis accelerometer, triaxismagnetometer, and pressure sensor. Each inertial sensor in theADIS16488A combines industry-leading iMEMS® technologywith signal conditioning that optimizes dynamic performance.The factory calibration characterizes each sensor for sensitivity,bias, alignment, and linear acceleration (gyroscope bias). As aresult, each sensor has its own dynamic compensation formulas thatprovide accurate sensor measurements.The ADIS16488A provides a simple, cost-effective method forintegrating accurate, multiaxis inertial sensing into industrialsystems, especially when compared with the complexity andinvestment associated with discrete designs. All necessary motiontesting and calibration are part of the production process at thefactory, greatly reducing system integration time. Tight orthogonalalignment simplifies inertial frame alignment in navigation systems.The SPI and register structure provide a simple interface fordata collection and configuration control.The ADIS16488A uses the same footprint and connector system asthe ADIS16375, ADIS16480, and ADIS16485, which greatlysimplifies the upgrade process. The ADIS16488A is packaged ina module that is approximately 47 mm × 44 mm × 14 mm andincludes a standard connector interface.Applications Platform stabilization and control Navigation Personnel tracking Instrumentation Robotics
ADIS16488CMLZ Inventory
by: Analog Devices Inc.