
Zuken Limited

  • 1500 Aztec West Almondsbury Bristol
    BS32 4RF
    United Kingdom
  • +44 1454 207812
  • 01454 207803

Zuken Limited Articles

Displaying 41 - 60 of 94
Automotice Microsite
14th July 2011
E3.series 2011 assure un gain de temps et un meilleur rendement

Zuken a annoncé le lancement de la nouvelle version de son puissant logiciel de CAO électrique E³.series. Cette version offre de nombreux avantages aux ingénieurs en conception électrique qui créent des systèmes électriques dans divers domaines d’applications comme par exemple les avions, les véhicules, les machines, les systèmes de contrôles, les imprimantes, etc. Les raccourcis et les fonctionnalités inédites de cette nouvelle ...

14th July 2011
E³.series 2011 Delivers Time Savings and Efficiencies

Zuken today announced the latest version of its powerful electrical CAD software E³.series. This version focuses on delivering benefits to all electrical design engineers creating electrical systems for everything from aircraft, vehicles, machinery, control systems, printers, etc. The time saving shortcuts and additional new functionality in this release impacts every aspect of electrical design from the large task of planning the topology and f...

Automotice Microsite
14th July 2011
Le marché français de CADSTAR en plein boom – Novacad gagne le prix du distributeur européen CADSTAR de l'année décerné par Zuken

Zuken a annoncé que Novacad, le distributeur français CADSTAR, a atteint des records de vente de la solution de conception de circuits imprimés CADSTAR sur le marché européen et s'est donc vu décerné par Zuken le prix tant prisé du distributeur européen CADSTAR de l'année. Le succès de l'entreprise peut être attribué à la reprise du marché électronique français, à l'importante expansion des environnements CADSTAR existants au se...

14th July 2011
French CADSTAR Market Booms

Today Zuken announced that French CADSTAR distributor Novacad has topped European sales of the CADSTAR PCB design solution, and has won Zuken’s highly sought after award of European CADSTAR Distributor of the Year. The company’s success can be attributed to the recovering French electronics market, large expansion within companies of existing CADSTAR environments and achievements in areas such as the medical industry and research centers.

Automotice Microsite
14th June 2011
Le marché français de CADSTAR en plein boom – Novacad gagne le prix du distributeur européen CADSTAR de l'année décerné par Zuken

Zuken a annoncé que Novacad, le distributeur français CADSTAR, a atteint des records de vente de la solution de conception de circuits imprimés CADSTAR sur le marché européen et s'est donc vu décerné par Zuken le prix tant prisé du distributeur européen CADSTAR de l'année. Le succès de l'entreprise peut être attribué à la reprise du marché électronique français, à l'importante expansion des environnements CADSTAR existants au se...

17th May 2011
New Version of Zuken's CR-5000 Software Focuses on Technology, Infrastructure and Process Optimization

Zuken today announced the availability of CR-5000 revision 13.0, its most advanced design suite for electronics systems and PCBs. This new release sees the introduction of new core technology for power integrity analysis along with a wide array of developments to accelerate process optimization and integration including more efficient DRC checking, improvements in hierarchical design, management of constraint data and more.

Test & Measurement
10th May 2011
Zuken - Power Integrity Software for Analysis of High-Speed PCBs

Today, Zuken announced the availability of a new product for concurrent analysis of power and DC noise effects and electromagnetic interference as an integral part of the PCB design flow. This new module, called CR-5000 Lightning Power Integrity Advance enables PCB design engineers to perform advanced power integrity analysis for AC and DC power distribution noise at any point during the physical design process. Design time is shortened by elimin...

Tech Videos
2nd February 2011
Zuken - Electrical & Electronic Automotive Software Solutions

Zuken's Automotive solutions can decrease your project lead times, reduce prototypes in electrical & electronic automotive design and allow the reuse of design data. Zuken's Automotive solutions are used by leading global automotive OEMs & suppliers - including Fiat.

Automotice Microsite
21st January 2011
ARBURG assure un niveau de qualité élevé grâce aux logiciels de Zuken

ARBURG, l'un des fabricants leaders mondiaux de machines de moulage par injection pour le traitement du plastique, mise depuis peu sur la solution CR-5000 de Zuken pour la conception électronique. Ainsi, l'entreprise a pu, en peu de temps, augmenter la qualité de ses produits finis et réduire considérablement ses coûts de développement. Ce bilan positif est le fruit de trois facteurs essentiels : la réutilisation efficace de conceptions, u...

21st January 2011
ARBURG Saves Money and Delivers High Quality with Zuken’s CR-5000 CAD Software

ARBURG, one of the world’s leading injection-molding machine manufacturing specialists for processing plastics, recently chose Zuken’s CR-5000 electronics design software. As a result ARBURG is already reporting a reduction in development costs and improved end product quality. This has been achieved by enabling effective design reuse, rapid and reliable mechanical interfacing with CATIA, and parallel development with verification and simulat...

Automotice Microsite
17th November 2010
Zuken ajoute à sa bibliothèque CADSTAR des composants de ST Microelectronics

Des composants de ST Microelectronics sont désormais disponibles dans la vaste bibliothèque de composants CADSTAR de Zuken. Les clients actuellement sous contrats de maintenance pour CADSTAR - le logiciel CAO de conception PCB de Zuken - disposeront d’un accès illimité à cette source qui contient jusqu’à 250 000 composants différents, celle-ci sera en outre constamment actualisée et élargie afin de faire gagner du temps à ses client...

17th November 2010
Zuken Adds ST Microelectronics Components to CADSTAR Library

Components from ST Microelectronics are now available as part of Zuken’s extensive CADSTAR parts library. Customers with current maintenance contracts for CADSTAR, Zuken’s desktop schematic and PCB design software, have full access to this library of over 250,000 different parts. The CADSTAR library is continually maintained and expanded to save design time for users.

Tech Videos
22nd October 2010
Fluid Design, E3.WireWorks: A front-end to SolidWorks Routing

Demonstrates how E3.WireWorks fluid capabilities can be used to produce fluid schematic, the output of which can be used to automate pipe routing in SolidWorks Premium.

Tech Videos
1st October 2010
Managing Change in Complex Aerospace Projects to Overcome Failure, Save Time, and Reduce Risk

Even with the best planning and most efficient processes in the world, the unexpected can happen. How do engineers and project managers deal with change in the most efficient way? Join us for this webinar to find out how to save time and effort while producing accurate and time stamped change records in even the most complex designs.

Automotice Microsite
28th September 2010
Zuken adhère au standard international de classification et de description de produits et services eCl@ss

Zuken est récemment devenu membre bienfaiteur de l'association « eCl@ss e.V. » chargée de définir, développer et diffuser la norme internationale « eCl@ss ». Cette norme est utilisée comme système pour la classification et la description des produits et services permettant une standardisation des données de produits. Zuken a pour objectif d'exercer une influence sur le développement des standards afin de soutenir les clients de soluti...

Automotice Microsite
28th September 2010
Le logiciel de conception CADSTAR 12.1 PCB Design de Zuken réduit les coûts d’ingénierie

Zuken a annoncé aujourd’hui la sortie de la version 12.1 de CADSTAR, la suite logicielle de conception PCB. Suite à l’appel fait aux entreprises de se serrer la ceinture alors qu'elles sortent de la crise, CADSTAR apporte de nouvelles fonctionnalités qui contribuent à réduire les coûts de conception et de fabrication. L’équipe CADSTAR s’est concentrée sur les exigences de fonctionnalités de conception des clients avec de nouvelle...

7th September 2010
Zuken Introduces Free CADSTAR Express 12.1

The free evaluation version of CADSTAR 12.1 with all the latest functionality, is now available to download from When companies are making the decision about what software to use, a demo isn’t enough. Designers want to get their hands dirty and see if the tools really live up to what the EDA companies are promising. The Express version of CADSTAR is a fully functional CADSTAR (limited to 300 pins and 50 components), allowing designer...

18th August 2010
Zuken’s CADSTAR 12.1 PCB Design Software Cuts Engineering Costs

Zuken has today announced version 12.1 of CADSTAR, the desktop PCB design suite. Amidst the call for companies to tighten their belts as they climb out of recession, CADSTAR brings new functionality that helps cut design and manufacturing costs. The CADSTAR team has been focused on making customer’s design functionality requirements come true, with new functionality for advanced library management and signal integrity verification, ECAD MCAD in...

18th August 2010
Zuken Supports International Products and Services Classification Standard eCl@ss

“The eCl@ss Consortium, currently consisting of more than 100 members, is pleased to have Zuken as a new member because the eCl@ss standard can be used in electronic development and production processes,” said Thomas Einsporn, Head of eCl@ss Business, Cologne.

4th August 2010
Zuken Supports Next Generation of Automotive Engineers – Sponsoring Formula Student Team

Zuken is supporting the automotive engineers of tomorrow by donating a license of their advanced cable design and formboard creation software from the E³.series electrical software suite, to the Formula Student team at the University of Applied Sciences in Esslingen, Germany.

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