
Bielefeld University

Bielefeld University Articles

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26th July 2016
'Ourobot' can overcome obstacles

It looks like a bicycle chain, but has just twelve segments about the size of a fist. In each segment there is a motor. This describes pretty much the robot developed by the four bachelor students in Computer Engineering, Johann Schröder, Adrian Gucze, Simon Beyer and Matthäus Wiltzok, at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. The project was supervised by Professor Dr. Axel Schneider of the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences a...

23rd June 2016
Service robot Floka’s big debut at Automatica

The Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC) will give a glimpse into the home of the future from 21-24 June 2016 at Automatica, the international trade fair for automation and mechantronics held in Munich. Under the banner "A Home with a Brain," CITEC will exhibit its research developments at Stand 315 in Hall B4. Here, the service robot Floka will be debuted to the public for the first time.

24th March 2016
Open source software for high-res microscopy

With their special microscopes, experimental physicists can already observe single molecules. However, unlike conventional light microscopes, the raw image data from some ultra-high resolution instruments first have to be processed for an image to appear. For the ultra-high resolution fluorescence microscopy that is also employed in biophysical research at Bielefeld University, members of the Biomolecular Photonics Group have developed a new open...

18th February 2016
Smart physical training in VR

A new system in a virtual training room is helping users practice and improve sports exercises and other motor activities: six research groups from the Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC) at Bielefeld University are working on the ICSPACE project to develop this virtual coaching space. CITEC is funding this large-scale research project with 1.6 million Euro and it will run until 2017.

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