
Anritsu EMEA Limited

Changing now, to change the future.

On the occasion of the 120th anniversary of its founding, Anritsu is taking on the challenge of innovation for the next generation.

Anritsu EMEA Limited Articles

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Test & Measurement
26th November 2013
VNA test technology achieves improved antenna performance

The basic principles of, and methods for, measuring antenna performance were established decades ago. So it might appear reasonable for engineers developing or installing RF equipment to assume there is nothing new for them to learn in this field. By Jean-Pierre Guillemet Field Applications Engineer, Anritsu (France)

Essai et Mesure
25th November 2013
Anritsu Développe Les Performances De Son Analyseur MP1800A Supportant Désormais Les Mesures De Taux D’erreur (BER) Jusqu’à 32,1 Gbits/S

Anritsu introduit ce jour de nouvelles fonctions sur son testeur BERT MP1800A, analyseur de qualité de signaux supportant désormais les mesures BER multi canaux jusqu’à 32.1 Gbits/s. Le MP1800A amélioré est approprié pour le test des fonds de paniers, des câbles, et des interconnections utilisés dans les équipements de réseaux très hauts débits de la prochain...

Test & Measurement
21st November 2013
High sensitivity error detector enhances BERT analyser

Anritsu has announced a high-sensitivity error detector and other additions to its MP1800A BERT (Bit Error Rate Tester) signal quality analyser to support multi-channel BER measurements up to 32.1Gbit/s. The enhanced MP1800A is suitable for testing the backplanes, cables, and interconnects used in the next generation of ultra-high speed network equipment.

Test & Measurement
6th November 2013
Fibre cables, connections get field test solution

Anritsu has introduced Fiber Visualizer for its MT9090A Network Master platform, creating a field test solution that simplifies conducting highly accurate measurements of fibre cables, connections, and splices when installing or maintaining high-speed, FTTH, CATV, Access, Mobile Backhaul, FTTA, DAS and Metro networks.

Essai et Mesure
5th November 2013
Anritsu déploie son outil de visualisation des fibres pour simplifier l’installation et la maintenance des réseaux de fibres optiques

Anritsu lance le Visualiseur de fibres sa plateforme Network Master MT9090A, créant ainsi une solution de terrain qui simplifie la conduite de mesures de haute précision pour les câbles de fibres optiques, les connectiques et les soudures lors de l’installation et de la maintenance des réseaux haute vitesses FTTH, de télévision câblée, d’accès, FTTA, DAS, cœur des r&ea...

Test & Measurement
30th October 2013
Anritsu PCT system gets standards body thumbs-up

Anritsu says that industry testing standards body the GCF has validated its Protocol Conformance Test system for Rel-10 carrier aggregation, a crucial function in LTE Advanced network operations. Anritsu now has GCF approval for both its Protocol Conformance Test and RF/RRM Conformance Test systems for carrier aggregation.

Essai et Mesure
30th October 2013
Première mondiale pour Anritsu qui obtient l’homologation de la part des organismes de normalisation pour les tests cases de conformité des protocoles du LTE Advanced

Anritsu annonce aujourd’hui que le GCF, l’organisme de normalisation, a validé son Système de Test de Conformité des Protocoles pour la Release 10 "Carrier Aggregation", une fonctionnalité essentielle des réseaux LTE Advanced. Anritsu est maintenant le premier fournisseur mondial d’équipements de test à obtenir l’homologation du GCF, à la fois pour les Tests de Confor...

Essai et Mesure
18th October 2013
Anritsu Complète La Couverture En Fréquences Du PIM Master

Anritsu lance trois options supplémentaires de fréquences pour le PIM Master MW82119A, déjà primé. Alimenté par batteries, générant jusqu´à 40W, le PIM Master permet désormais aux ingénieurs et techniciens de terrain d’effectuer des mesures précises d’intermodulation passive "en haut de la tour" dans les bandes LTE 800 MHz et LTE 2600 MHz ainsi q...

10th October 2013
Frequency options address top LTE PIM measurements

Anritsu has introduced three frequency options for its PIM Master MW82119A Passive Intermodulation (PIM) high-power, battery-operated, portable PIM test analyser. The options enables user to accurately conduct “top of the tower” PIM measurements in the LTE 800MHz and UMTS 2100MHz bands, in addition to the LTE 2600 MHz band.

Essai et Mesure
2nd October 2013
Anritsu Lance Le BTS Master Avec Des Performances Améliorées Et Un Design Plus Fin Et Plus Léger

Anritsu introduit le BTS Master modèle MT8220T, un testeur portable multifonctions possédant toutes les capacités de test nécessaires aux les opérateurs de réseaux, les sous-traitants, les installateurs et les autorités de régulation lors des mesures des stations de base. Le MT8220T représente la troisième génération de la gamme BTS Master, largement testée...

Events News
12th September 2013
Anritsu To Demonstrate Complete PAM4 Signal Simulation System At ECOC 2013

Anritsu today announced that it is to demonstrate a high-quality PAM4 signal simulation system on its stand at the ECOC 2013 exhibition (ICC London ExCeL, UK, 22-26 September).

Test & Measurement
4th September 2013
MDTP Enhances TD-LTE Protocol Conformance Tests

Anritsu’s ME7834 Mobile Device Test Platform (MDTP) offers the highest number of validated protocol conformance test cases for TD-LTE, including interworking with TD-SCDMA and GSM. Confirmation was provided by the Global Certification Forum (GCF) at the recent Conformance and Interoperability Agreement Group (CAG) Meeting #35 held in Lexington, KY, and complements the established success of the ME7834 in LTE FDD conformance.

Test & Measurement
29th August 2013
Base Station Test Receiver Adds Standard GPS Receiver

Anritsu’s MT8220T BTS Master is a multi-function handheld durable tester with all the capabilities network operators, sub-contractors, installers, and regulatory authorities need when measuring base stations. The third generation of Anritsu’s field-proven BTS Master family, the new tester has improved performance, including a standard GPS receiver, and enhanced two-port dynamic range.

Test & Measurement
21st August 2013
Anritsu Adds Measurement Muscle To New VSA

Anritsu has expanded its VectorStar family of Vector Network Analysers (VNAs) with the introduction of the MS4640B series. It features a number of new measurement capabilities, including PulseView, which provides pulse profile, point-in-pulse and pulse-to-pulse measurements of S-parameters, and DifferentialView for true mode stimulus S-parameter measurements.

Test & Measurement
8th July 2013
Anritsu unveil the MS2027C and MS2037C

The MS2027C and MS2037C, the latest two members of the VNA Master handheld vector network analyzer family have been introduced by Anritsu. The new VNA Masters are ideal for demanding field use environments, including aerospace and defense, Satellite Communications, commercial wireless backhaul, and research.

Test & Measurement
17th June 2013
RF Conformance Test System Wins PTCRB Approval

Anritsu has received the world's first PTCRB approval for its ME7873L RF Conformance Test System meeting the LTE Rel-10 Carrier Aggregation Standard. The new 4G mobile LTE-Advanced standard supports the carrier aggregation function offering faster communication speeds than the LTE technology now being deployed worldwide.

17th June 2013
Anritsu receive World's First PTCRB approval for its RF Conformance Test System

Anritsu announces that the company has received the world's first PTCRB approval for its ME7873L RF Conformance Test System meeting the LTE Rel-10 Carrier Aggregation Standard. The new 4G mobile LTE-Advanced standard supports the carrier aggregation function offering faster communication speeds than the LTE technology now being deployed worldwide.

25th April 2013
Anritsu Corporation Announces Regarding Stock Options

Anritsu hereby makes the following announcement: at the meeting of the board of directors held on the date hereof, the board of directors decided that the proposal to issue stock acquisition rights as stock options (the “Stock Acquisition Right(s)”) be made to the shareholders at the 87th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on June 26, 2013.

25th April 2013
Anritsu Corporation Announces Discontinuation of Countermeasures to Large-Scale Purchase of the Company’s Shares

Back in June 27, 2007, Anritsu introduced countermeasures to Large-Scale Purchase of the Company’s Shares (the “Plan”). The continuation of the Plan was approved at the 84th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June 24, 2010. The Plan will expire at the conclusion of the 87th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders expected to be held on June 26, 2013.

Test & Measurement
16th April 2013
LTE Advanced CA Measurement Software For Anritsu MT8820C RF Tester

Anritsu announces the availability of LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation Measurement Software for its MT8820C RF Tester, enabling analysis of leading-edge mobile devices incorporating the new ultra-fast technology evolution. The new option leverages the ParallelPhone Mode dual-RF capability of the MT8820C to simulate inter-band and intra-band downlink Frequency Domain Duplex CA with call processing.

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