
Allegro MicroSystems Europe Ltd

Allegro MicroSystems Europe Ltd Articles

Displaying 201 - 220 of 286
9th February 2011
User-programmable Hall-effect switches include high-voltage transient protection for automotive applications

The A1190/2/3 family, new from Allegro MicroSystems Europe, are a range of user-programmable Hall-effect switches that complement the company's existing family of devices used in automotive seat-belt buckle, seat position, and gear-shift selector applications.

28th January 2011
Capteur à effet Hall Unipolaire deux fils offrant une meilleure protection contre les hautes tensions de transition des applications automobiles

Les nouveaux A1152/3/5/6 d’Allegro MicroSystems Europe représentent une gamme de capteurs Hall unipolaires conçus pour les applications automobiles telles que les boucles de ceinture de sécurité, de position de siège et blocage de la colonne de direction.

27th January 2011
Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. Introduces a New Family of Two-Wire, Hall-Effect Unipolar Switches Improved High Voltage Transient Protection

Allegro MicroSystems introduced a new line of two-wire, unipolar, Hall-effect switches to complement its existing family of devices used in seat belt buckle, seat position, and steering lock applications. These new devices are targeted to serve the automotive market, because they include improved high voltage transient protection, which is a feature that is critical for applications, which do not allow protection circuits to be located close to t...

Automotice Microsite
19th January 2011
Two-wire Hall-effect unipolar switches offer improved high-voltage transient protection for automotive applications

The A1152/3/5/6 from Allegro MicroSystems Europe are a range of two-wire unipolar Hall-effect switches designed for automotive sensing applications in seat-belt buckle, seat position, and steering lock applications. The new devices are produced using the Allegro advanced BiCMOS wafer fabrication process, and include improved high-voltage transient protection: a critical factor for automotive applications where external protection circuitry canno...

14th December 2010
User-programmable linear Hall-effect sensor IC

The new A1356 from Allegro MicroSystems Europe is a user-programmable linear Hall-effect sensor IC with a pulse width modulated (PWM) output. Featuring built-in filtering to provide low jitter and high sensing accuracy, the new product complements Allegro's existing line of linear devices with PWM outputs by offering a device with a significantly higher carrier frequency of 2 kHz, allowing it to resolve rapid changes in magnetic field.

30th November 2010
Linear Hall-effect current sensor IC

The ACS711 from Allegro MicroSystems Europe is a Hall-effect linear current sensor IC with a built-in overcurrent fault output that provides economical and precise AC or DC current sensing in audio, communications, white goods, and automotive applications operating at voltages up to 100 V.

9th November 2010
High-efficiency fault-tolerant LED driver with wide input voltage range

High-efficiency fault-tolerant LED driver with wide input voltage range- Fully integrated solution provides 240 mA total current across two channels

28th October 2010
Three-phase sensorless motor drive IC for fan and blower applications

The new A4941 from Allegro MicroSystems Europe is a three-phase, sensorless, brushless DC motor driver IC designed for fan and blower applications in the white goods and office automation sectors. Key features of the new device, which is housed in a small eTSSOP package, include sensorless commutation, a wide (5-16 V) supply voltage range, 1.25 A peak output current, -40° to +105°C operating temperature range, lock detection with auto restart...

14th October 2010
Four-channel constant-current LED driver ICs

A new family of constant-current LED driver ICs designed to address the emerging requirements of internal and external illumination applications in the automotive market is now available from Allegro MicroSystems Europe.

15th September 2010
Capteur à effet Hall bipolaire deux canaux en quadrature ultra sensible

Le nouveau A1230 proposé par Allegro MicroSystems Europe est un capteur à effet Hall bipolaire deux canaux en quadrature ultra sensible conçu pour êl;tre utilisé en face de bagues aimantés pour mesurer la vitesse et le sens de rotation. Ses caractéristiques lui permettent de travailler dans des environnements difficiles comme l’automobile et l’industrie.

14th July 2010
Smoke-detector integrated circuit features ultra-low current consumption and networking capability

The new A5303 from Allegro MicroSystems Europe is a low-current BiCMOS photoelectric smoke detector integrated circuit designed to be used with an infrared optical chamber to sense light scattered from smoke particles.

30th June 2010
Dual full-bridge motor driver ICs with overcurrent protection

Two new full-bridge stepper-motor driver ICs, the A4986 and A4987, have been added to the family of motor driver devices available from Allegro MicroSystems Europe. The new devices are dual DMOS full-bridge stepper-motor drivers with parallel input communication and overcurrent protection, and offer improved microstepping accuracy along with high reliability.

16th June 2010
Three-phase brushless DC motor pre-driver IC for office automation applications

The A4936 from Allegro MicroSystems Europe is a three-phase brushless DC motor pre-driver IC targeted at applications within the office automation sector including laser printer and copier drum drives. The new device incorporates outputs for the direct high-current gate drive of an all N-channel power MOSFET three-phase bridge with a maximum supply voltage of 38 V. Also included in the A4936 device are three Hall-element inputs, a sequencer for ...

2nd June 2010
Ultra-sensitive dual-channel quadrature Hall-effect bipolar switch

The new A1230 from Allegro MicroSystems Europe is an ultra-sensitive dual-channel quadrature Hall-effect bipolar switch IC designed for use in rotating ring-magnet based speed and direction sensing applications in harsh automotive and industrial environments.

26th May 2010
LED backlight driver IC for large displays

The new A8512 from Allegro MicroSystems Europe is a multi-output white LED RGB driver IC for the LED backlighting of large-area LCD monitors and television screens. The new device integrates a scalable-output boost controller operating in constant-frequency current mode control - adjustable between 300 kHz and 1 MHz - driving an external MOSFET. It integrates six internal current sinks each capable of sinking up to 80 mA, which can be combined to...

20th May 2010
Allegro MicroSystems Recognized for Environmental Leadership

At a recent ceremony, representatives of the Toxics Use Reduction Act (TURA) Program and state legislators presented Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. with an award to acknowledge the company’s environmental leadership.

3rd May 2010
DMOS microstepping motor drivers with built-in overcurrent protection

Four new DMOS microstepping motor driver ICs featuring built-in overcurrent protection and targeted at the office automation market are now available from Allegro MicroSystems Europe. The new A4982/A4984/A4985 and A4988 are complete microstepping motor drivers, each using a simple ‘step’ and ‘direction’ interface and featuring a built-in translator for easy operation. The highly integrated devices require few external components, and occu...

22nd April 2010
Capteurs à effet Hall latchés supportant des tensions transitoires importantes et des hautes températures.

Les nouveaux A1225; A1227 et A1229 proposés par Allegro Microsystems font partie d’une famille de capteurs à effet Hall latchés offrant des protections renforcées contre les tensions transitoires pour des températures d’utilisation jusqu’à +150°C.

22nd April 2010
Circuit miniature pour la commande de flash photo au xénon

Les A8732 et A8735 d’Allegro MicroSystems Europe sont deux drivers miniatures optimisés à la commande de la charge de flash photo au xénon. Ils sont conçus pour proposer une solution compacte et fiable à faible coût et répondre ainsi aux besoins des appareils photo numériques et téléphones portables multimédias.

20th April 2010
Allegro MicroSystems - Hall-effect latches withstand high-voltage transients and high temperatures

The new A1225, A1227 and A1229 from Allegro MicroSystems Europe are a family of Hall-effect latch ICs that combine enhanced protection against high transient voltages with the ability to operate over extended temperature ranges up to +150°C.

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