
Handler enables memory testing productivity gains

1st December 2014
Mick Elliott

Advantest has combined improved positioning accuracy higher throughput and tighter temperature control in its new M6245 test handler. The system incorporates the company’s latest advances for handling double data rate (DDR) and Flash memory devices. The test handler incorporates a visual-alignment system that improves test yields by achieving contact accuracy to within 0.3 mm ball pitch.

This makes the system capable of handling memories with fine pitches. The highly precise alignment capability also allows faster set-up and calibration, contributing to higher system productivity.

In addition, a new handling design ensures maximum throughput while applying visual alignment to support fine-pitch devices. The design also enables the highest possible throughput when using mechanical alignment for current pitch devices.

Productivity is maximised by the new handler’s high level of automation. Semiconductor devices are automatically re-tested from initial testing, reducing the workload on operators while helping to ensure the highest possible yield.

Using Advantest’s proprietary new thermal technology “dual-fluid design,” the temperature of each device under test can be maintained to within ±1˚C throughout the range of -20˚C to 100˚C while temperature accuracy is ±2˚C over the ranges of -40˚Cto -20.1˚C and 100.1˚C to 125˚C.This enables highly accurate testing of memory ICs that operate over a wide spectrum of temperatures.

The system also incorporates Advantest’s new handler data visualisation framework, which enables real-time monitoring of a test cell’s status from any internet-enabled connection.

Shipments of the M6245 handler are scheduled to begin in the first quarter of calendar year 2015.


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